El Quijote
This restaurant is closed!
Photo: Cititour.com
Contact Info:
Address: 226 W. 23rd St (bet. 7th & 8th Aves)
City: New York, NY
Zip: 10011
Phone: (212) 929-1855
Food Info:
Lee Hanson
2nd Cuisine:
Closing March 30, 2018
Cititour Review:
Some of the best lobster in the city. Sweet and succulent and a joy just plucking the meat out of the shell. The broiled lobster is the best. No butter is needed here. The seafood paella is also unbelievable. El Quijote is inexpensive. Two people can eat with a drink for about $60. Service is very good. Major credit cards accepted. A real nice neighborhood restaurant.
Review By: Joe Defina