Ellary's Greens

This restaurant is closed!

Ellary's Greens

Photo: Cititour.com

Contact Info:

Address: 33 Carmine St
City: New York, NY
Zip: 10014
Phone: (212) 920-5072
Email: info@ellarysgreens.com
Website: http://www.ellarysgreens.com/
Mon Fri: 9:00 am 11 pm
Sat: 10 am 11 pm (Brunch: 10 am 3:30 pm)
Sun: 10 am 10 pm (Brunch: 10 am 3:30 pm)

Food Info:

Chef: Alex Oefeli
Cuisine: Health Food
2nd Cuisine: Organic


Ellarys Greens is an exciting cafe that offers an array of healthy, gourmet options of affordably priced, natural and organic foods for all. We provide nourishment you can trust, quality you can depend on, integrity you can rely on, and care in everything we do. - Ellary's Greens
