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In The Slammer
July 30, 2007, 1:00.22 am ET

Lindsay Lohan dons prison stripes after her second drunken driving arrest at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in Times Square. more

Photo: Cititour

5 Ninth by Andrea Strong
July 30, 2007, 12:56.29 am ET

I know many of you may be scratching your head at this review, thinking, “What’s she doing writing about 5 Ninth? Doesn’t she know that this restaurant opened three years ago? Is she getting soft in the head?” more

Photo: Cititour

Natsumi by Brian Scott Lipton
July 30, 2007, 12:53.38 am ET

Given the paucity of sophisticated dining options in the theater district, one has to be grateful for Natsumi, the relatively new Japanese fusion eatery that can be found in the Ambassador Court hotel. Natsumi actually embraces two different concepts: an attractive bar and lounge (where sushi and other cold food is served) and a more traditional dining room, where Koushi -- Japanese room dividers – help create distinct seating areas. more

Photo: Cititour

Ralph's Ices and Ice Cream
July 30, 2007, 12:45.53 am ET

Huge sundaes and homemade ices makes Ralph’s Ices and Ice Cream a great summer destination for the entire family! more

Photo: Cititour

Rudy's Bar and Grill
July 30, 2007, 12:42.05 am ET

Have a craving for hot dogs and cold beer? You don’t have to head out to the ballpark just drop by Rudy’s Bar and Grill. The beer is cheap and the hot dogs are free at this Hell’s Kitchen favorite. more

Photo: Cititour

Provence by Andrea Strong
July 22, 2007, 2:26.47 pm ET

Ask most people how they’ve met their husbands, wives, or significant others these days and you’ll probably get a sheepish smile and then the inevitable admission—we met online. Way back in the olden days, before the era of mix-n-match online catalogue shopping, err, dating, people met through friends, at parties, or on blind dates. (I met Craig at the coffee shop where we both write.) Vicki Freeman met her husband when she hired him. It was 1993, and he was a chef and she needed one for her first restaurant, a place in Soho called Vix. After some time passed, they got together. On nights off, they frequented a restaurant they both loved called Provence. It was an authentic slice of the French countryside, a sweet spot set behind a set of tall doors thrown open to a sleepy, tree-lined block of Soho that always seemed drenched in a haze yellow sunlight and pink wine. more

Photo: Cititour

Benjamin Steakhouse by Brian Scott Lipton
July 22, 2007, 2:23.59 pm ET

It’s a terrible thing for a food writer to admit, but here goes: I’ve only been to Peter Luger, the legendary Brooklyn steakhouse, once in my life, many, many years ago. So I have to judge Benjamin Steak House, co-owned by Benjamin Prelvukaj and chef Arturo McLeod – both former Lugerites – strictly on its own merits and not by comparison. And I’m happy to report this eight-month-old eatery, located in Midtown’s trendy Dylan Hotel, is a most satisfying dining experience. more

Photo: Cititour

July 22, 2007, 2:20.52 pm ET

Move over "Ratatouille" the next super fun wonderful flick of the summer is the film adaptation of the Broadway musical "Hairspray". It’s a non-stop rhythmically charged extravaganza bursting with color and heart - the kind of movie musical that owes its heritage to the glorious Technicolor golden age when the dancing was exuberant, the story touching, and the lead performers charismatic. more

Photo: David James

Xanadu by Lesley Alexander
July 22, 2007, 2:15.48 pm ET

It may be camp and part inside humor, but it’s still all eighties kitsch. That’s "Xanadu", the latest film adaptation to land in a Broadway theatre. The movie spawned a ton of hits for Olivia Newton-John including "Magic" and "Suddenly" ; and "I’m Alive" for the Electric Light Orchestra. more

Photo: Xanadu Poster

ginette_ny by Pamela Grossman
July 22, 2007, 2:09.59 pm ET

It takes something special to draw a crowd into a small indoor space on a warm Manhattan weekend. But when I entered ginette_ny, I found an eager throng of shoppers looking over the wares--even though it was a great beach day. (I myself headed to the beach after visiting the shop; for that matter, I can't say that the other shoppers didn't do the same. No reason why shopping and shore can't both fit into a long summer Saturday.) more

Photo: Cititour

Landmarc by Sam Sayegh
July 22, 2007, 2:04.10 pm ET

A friend of mine works at Time Warner Center, and with some catching up to do, we decided to meet for dinner at Landmarc, the midtown version of the stylish Tribeca spot known for its bistro style fare. more

Photo: Cititour

The Fear of God
July 18, 2007, 9:27.08 pm ET

A huge explosion near Grand Central sends a plume of thick grey smoke and debris into the air and New Yorkers running, fearful of a terror attack. Authorities say everything points to an underground steam pipe explosion for the blast, not terror. Reports say at least one person is dead, 15 injured.

All Photos Property of

Father Demo Square
July 17, 2007, 10:59.39 pm ET

The Parks Department needs to be commended for a wonderful space it's created at the intersection of Carmine, Bleecker and 6th Avenue. Father Demo Square has a beautiful fountain and ample seating for people watching. more

Photo: Cititour

Hill Country by Andrea Strong
July 15, 2007, 9:40.31 pm ET

Dining at Hill Country may not be what you expect. If you expect it to be great, it will be, but if you expect it to be conventional sit down restaurant, you’ll be surprised. Instead, you’ll find a cafeteria style restaurant modeled on Kreuz Market—the famed meat-market/barbecue-joint in Lockhart, Texas, where folks line up to pick out their meat by the pound, and then line up again for sides. It works the same way here in the city. more

Photo: Cititour

Dean's Pizzeria and Restaurant by Brian Scott Lipton
July 15, 2007, 9:36.24 pm ET

If you’ve ever wondered if Nick’s, Angelo’s, and Patsy’s – three of the city’s pre-eminent pizza chains – are related, the short answer is yes. (The long answer involves some complex genealogy.). Add to that list Dean’s, which has just opened its second Manhattan branch in a gorgeous space on West 85th Street that used to be the grand ballroom of an Art Deco Hotel. Many of the original details of this vast space – which seats over 200 people (not including a small sidewalk café) -- remain, including beautiful moldings, Greco-Roman columns, and stained glass, while the seating is decidedly modern and comfortable. more

Photo: Cititour

Shapes of Space at the Guggenheim
July 15, 2007, 8:34.42 pm ET

Where else can you catch a dip while taking in panoramic views of Manhattan in tony Brooklyn Heights? And best of all it's FREE. more

Photos: Cititour

Shapes of Space at the Guggenheim
July 15, 2007, 8:34.32 pm ET

The Shapes of Space will explore various ways in which artists from the early modern period through the present have conceived of and represented space—from spiritual or utopian visions of space, to investigations of the built space, to the activation of a social space that elicits the viewer’s participation. more

Photo: Guggenheim

Tar Beach
July 15, 2007, 8:27.58 pm ET

How about a clam bake high atop New York City with stunning views of the Empire State Bulding and the Chrysler Building? You'll find it June through September at the rooftop restaurant above the Kitano Hotel in Murray Hill. more

Photo: The Kitano

Street Theater
July 10, 2007, 12:48.42 am ET

A three-day drama at the Union Square traffic island gives new meaning to street theater. It was called "Fashionably Late for the Relationship, a Three-Day Engagement" which ran from midnight July 6th thru midnight July 9th. Invitations were handed out to passersby as actress Lián Amaris Sifuentes prepare for her engagement in slow motion. An event like lifting her purse took a good half hour. But in the end most found it entertaining and fun, and definitely New York. more

Photos: Cititour

Perilla by Andrea Strong
July 8, 2007, 2:41.19 pm ET

Harold Dieterle, the guy who won Top Chef, Season One has opened Perilla. It could've easily been a flashy, over-the-top, showy restaurant without a soul, and instead it is a lovely, civilized, genuine little restaurant with heart. more

Smith & Mills by Thomas Rafael
July 8, 2007, 2:36.11 pm ET

The speakeasy is back in vogue and Smith and Mills pulls it off quite well. In fact, you might very well pass this spot and not even know it exists. But behind two heavy arching doors on a quiet Tribeca street you'll find this tiny little watering hole that's open into the wee hours of the morning. more


Saxelby Cheesemongers by Sam Sayegh
July 8, 2007, 2:31.09 pm ET

At the Essex Street Market you'll find a great little cheese stand operated by Ann Saxelby, who has a charming personality, and a passion for cheese. But you won't find cheeses from France and other foreign lands, Saxelby's specializes in American cheese, and not the stuff you find on the shelf in your neighborhood supermarket. more

Photo: Cititour

Jumelle by Pamela Grossman
July 8, 2007, 2:26.37 pm ET

My friend Meg and I were taking a post-brunch stroll when we spotted chicly eye-catching dresses in the window of a shop called Jumelle. With summer, of course, often comes a wave of wedding invitations; and I had a feeling this store would come through strongly for gals in need of a party dress. more

Photo: Jumelle

A-Rod's Wife Drops the F-Bomb
July 4, 2007, 1:00.55 am ET

A-Rod's wife drew gasps at Yankee Stadium with her "F--- You" shirt . She reportedly got it at Chrome Hearts. You'll find it at 159 East 64th Street in Manhattan.

Photo: Cititour

The Pearis Hilton at Vynl
July 1, 2007, 2:59.26 pm ET

We heard Vynl was serving a "Pearis Hilton" and couldn't resist toasting the hotel heiress as she gets out of jail. It's made with Ketel One, pear liqueur and pinapple juice... with the tagline "who needs Nicole". And just like Paris, the "Pearis Hilton" is annoyingly sweet and overbearing. more

Photo: Cititour

Denino's by Thomas Rafael
July 1, 2007, 2:55.58 pm ET

In the battle of the pizzas, you generally look to Brooklyn for some of the city's best slices at places like DiFara's and Totonno's. But there is one slice in the city worth paying a visit to Staten Island for, even if it means swallowing the $9 fare to cross the Verrazano bridge or trekking by ferry and bus (We don't recommend the latter). more

Photo: Cititour

Frost Nixon by Diane Snyder
July 1, 2007, 2:50.47 pm ET

One of the last places you’d expect Richard Nixon to find sympathy is the Broadway stage. But Frank Langella’s riveting portrait encompasses a wide range of characteristics not typically associated with the disgraced president. It may sound too insanely New Age to label Nixon a lonely, vulnerable man who was so fearful of losing his authority that he resorted to criminal endeavors to keep his enemies at bay, but Langella catapults this tragic flaw into such a vivid depiction that it defies easy classification. more

Photo: Joan Marcus

Jade Plaza by Sam Sayegh
July 1, 2007, 2:45.06 pm ET

On the corner of 61st Street and 8th avenue in Sunset Park, Brooklyn you'll find a sprawling restaurant called Jade Plaza. The specialty is seafood. Now I want you to walk straight past the entrance to the corner and enter a side door for some fabulous takeout treats. more

Photo: Cititour

Penelope by Andrea Strong
July 1, 2007, 2:39.59 pm ET

After eating at Penelope several times over the past month, I realize one of the reasons I love this little place is that I not only like clothes that are comfortable. I like restaurants that are comfortable, too. And Penelope is the restaurant equivalent of flip-flops. Owned by Jennifer Potenza, who named her cozy corner spot after her turtle, Penelope is a simple little neighborhood restaurant, albeit one that feels like its true neighborhood might be Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, or the shore somewhere, not the cab-crowded corner of Lexington Avenue and 30th Street. more

Photo: Annie Goodman
