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1 Oak 1-800 CAR CASH® 10022-SHOE at Saks Fifth Avenue 101 Club 1199SEIU Gallery 11th Street Bar 122CC Theater 123BurgerShotBeer 124 Rabbit Club 12th St. Ale House 133rd Street Arts Center 13th Street Repertory Theater 14th Street Y Theater 169 Bar 17 Murray Bar Restaurant 175th Street Market 178 Stanton St 189 Chrystie St 18th Avenue Flea Market 2 hour City Lights Cruise 20 Peacocks 2015 New York City Beach Report Card 2016 Bryant Park Winter Village 202/Nicole Farhi 21 Bond Street 230 Fifth 24 State Street 28on27 Shoot and Event Space 28th Street Theater 3 West Club 303 Bond Street 30th Street Theatre 320 Studios 33 Seaport Hotel's Jewel Bar 34 New Street Restaurant 345 Fifth Avenue 353WEST 37 Arts Theater 3AM Theatre 3LD Art and Technology Center 40/40 Club 42West 45 Bleeker Theatre 45 John Street 45th St. Theatre 47th Street Theatre 48 Lounge 49 GROVE 4Sixty6 4th Street Theatre 54 Below 55 Bar 57th Street Market 59E59 Theaters 5C Cultural Center Lounge 61 Local 64 La Rouge 66 Hope St 67 Orange Street 675 Bar 69th Regiment Armory 6s and 8s 739 Franklin Bar and Lounge 773 Lounge 777 Theater 77th Street Market 77th Street Market 793 Washington Ave 7b (aka Horseshoe Bar) 7W New York 841 East Lounge-Huntington 86th Street Flea Market 9/11 Memorial Museum 92nd Street Y 92Y Tribeca 97th Street Market 9th Space A Class Act NY A private residence in Kerhonkson, NY 12446; the e A Repeat Performance A Second Chance Designer Resale A Touch of Dee A&G Merch A.I. Friedman A.I.R. Gallery A.L.B. (Arlo Lobby Bar) A.P.C. SoHo A.R.T./NY’s Jeffrey and Paula Gural Theatre A60 AAA Zoom Limousine Aaron Davis Hall ABC Carpet & Home ABC Carpet & Home at Industry City ABC No Rio Abe Stark Rink Abigail Kirsch Abingdon Theatre Arts Complex Abington Square Market Above Allen Above The Auto Parts Store Abracadabra Abrons Arts Center Absolutely 4th AC Gears Academy Records Access Theater Ace of Clubs Aces & Eights Saloon Achilles Heel Acorn Theatre at Theatre Row Acorn, A Brooklyn Toy Shop Acqua Beauty Bar Actors Company Theater Acumen Stages Ada's Place Adam Baumgold Gallery Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building Adelina's Adour Advanced Skin Care Day Spa Aer Lounge African Burial Ground Against The Grain Against the Grain Agave AGI Fine Art AGI Fine Art Agora Gallery Agora Gallery Agora Gallery Air Market AJNA BAR AL B Alabaster Bookshop ALBERT AMIN SALON Albertine Alchemical Theatre Lab Alchemy Gallery Aldo Sohm Wine Alegrías en La Nacional Alessi Alexander Berardi Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House Alexander Wang SoHo Alexandre Gallery Alexis Bittar Alexis Bittar Alice + Olivia Sample Sale Alice Austen House Alice Griffin Jewel Box Theatre Alice Tully Hall All Cars Lease All Five Boros All Staten Island Stadium 16 All-Jersey Multiplex Cinemas Alley Cat Amateur Theatre Alley Pond Park Nature Center Alloro Restaurant AllSaints Spitafields Allure Allure Restaurant Alma ALOHA LOUNGE NYC Aloha Rag Aloysia's Lounge Alphabet Lounge Alphaville Alpine 7 Alter Alvin Ailey Citigroup Theater Amadeus Amadeus nyc Amaran Amazon 4-Star Store Amazura AMC Bay Plaza Cinemas AMC Clifton Commons AMC Empire 25 AMC Essex Green Cinema 9 AMC Loews Newport Centre 11 American Apparel UES American Beer Distributors American Folk Art Museum American Girl Place American Globe Theatre American Irish Historical Society American Museum of Natural History American Theatre American Theatre of Actors American Trash Americas Society AMF Bowling Center AMF Bowling Center AMF Bowling Center (Wallington) AMF Chelsea Piers Bowl AMF Commack Vet Lanes AMF Legends Amity Hall Amity Hall Ammos Lounge Amnesia Amnesia Amon Ra Amor y Amargo AMOUN Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk Amsterdam Whitney Gallery Amsterdam Whitney Gallery Amsterdam Whitney Gallery Amsterdam Whitney Gallery AMT Theater An American Craftsman An Beal Bocht An Ren Analog Bkny Andaz Wall Street Andaz Wall Street Andrea Rosen Gallery Andy's Chee-pees Angel Orensanz Foundation Angel's Share Angelika Film Center Angelo Lambrou Angels & Kings Ánimo! Anju Anna Sui Another Room Ansche Chesed Synagogue Anthology Film Archives Anthology Film Archives Anthropologie Anthropologie - Soho Antibes Bistro Antidote AntiPasti Restaurant Antique Addiction Antun's Banquet Hall Any Old Iron Aperture Gallery Apollo Theater Appetito Apple Store at Grand Central Applebees Appliance World APT Apt. 141 Aqueduct Flea Market ARC Arcadia Archer & Goat Archie Spigner Park Arclight Theatre Ardea Arts Area Area 516 AREA NIGHT CLUB Arena Aria Arlene's Grocery Arrow Arrow Bar Ars Nova Art on A Gallery ART/New York The Gural Theater ARTEFIX New York artHARLEM Arthritis Foundation Thrift Shop ARTHUR'S Invitations and Prints Arthur's Tavern Artie's Arties Steak & Seafood Artists & Fleas ArtSide NYC ARTXNYC As You Are Asbury Lanes Ascent Lounge Asia Society Askan ASPCA Aspen Social Club Asphalt Green Aspirado Inc Assembly New York Asser Levy Asser Levy Park Associated Chamber Music Players Astor Place Astoria Astoria Market Astoria Park Astra Astro Gallery of Gems Asylum NYC Atelier Boutique spa (aka AB Spa) Atelier Roquette Atera Bar Atlantic Antic Atlantic's Stage 2 Atlas Park Market Atomic Passion Atrium Cinema Attaboy Attic Rooftop Lounge Atwood Au Bar Audubon Terrace Market AuH20 Aura Nightclub Auster Agency Austrian Cultural Forum New York auto. Automotive High School Ava Lounge Avalon Avenue Avenue Z Sidewalk Sale Avery Fisher Hall Avery Fisher Hall Aviv AXA Equitable Theater Axe Lounge Ayush Gupta Ayza Private Party NYC Ayza Wine & Chocolate Bar Ayza Wine and Chocolate Bar Azart gallery Azeleas Azza B Bar B Flat B'LO B-Side B.B. King's B.B. Kings Blues Bar & Grill B.E.S. (Boutique Eat Shop) Babel Babesta Cribz Babor at Takashimaya Baby Grand Baby Grand Greenpoint Baby's All Right Babylon Carriage House Baby’s All Right Bacall's Back Forty Back From Bali Baggot Inn Baja Baker Street Pub Ballet Academy East Ballet Hispanico BAM BAM Fisher / Fishman Space BAM Harvey Theater BAM Rose Cinemas BAM Rose Cinemas Banana Republic - Columbus Ave. Banana Republic - Lexington Ave. Banana Republic - Soho Banana Republic - Third Ave. Banana Republic- Madison Band Booking Genius Bang Bang Banzarbar Bar 13 Bar 54 Bar 57 Bar Chord Bar Cima Bar Goto Bar Great Harry Bar Martignetti Bar Moga Bar Naná Bar Pleiades at the Surrey Hotel Bar Seven Five at Andaz Wall Street Bar Tabac Bar-Tini Ultra Lounge Barachou West Village Baraza Barbara Camplbell Accessories Barber's Blueprint Barbes Barcade Barcade Barcelona Bites Barclays Center Bare Escentuals Bargemusic Barnard College - Altschul Hall and Atrium Barnes & Noble (Fifth Ave) Barnes & Noble - Union Square Barnes & Noble Booksellers Lincoln Triangle Barnes and Noble (Village) Barnes and Noble - Chelsea Barney's Co-Op Barney's Co-Op Barney's Co-Op Barney's New York Baroque Barracuda Barrow Street Ale House Barrow Street Ale House Barrow Street Theatre Barrow's Intense Tasting Room Barry Diller's Pier 55 Baruch College Conference Center Baruch Performing Arts Center Baryshnikov Arts Center Battery Dance Battery Park City BATTERY PARK CITY ESPLANADE Bayard’s Ale House Baychester Branch BCA BCAGlobal Be Italian! Beach Bar Beacon Theatre Beacon's Closet Beacon's Closet Bear BEast Beautique Beauty 35 Beauty Bar Beauty Jewel Spa & Laser Skin Care Center Beckett Theatre Bed New York Bedford Cheese Shop Bedford Stuyvesant Bedford-Stuyvesant Farmers Market Beekman Beer Garden Beach Club Beekman Hotel Beekman Theater Beekman Theater Beer Bar Beer Garden Beer Super Store Believe Bell Book & Candle Bell Park Lanes Bellmore Beverage Belmont Race Track Beloved Belvedere Castle Bembe Bemelmans Bar Bene Rialto Benetton Benetton - NoHo Benetton Outlet
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Bergdorf Goodman Bergen County Women's Bowling bergenPAC Bernie's New York Walking Tours Bess NYC Best Bargain Book Best Buy Best Comedy Tickets Best places to nosh in the NYC Bethel Woods Center for the Arts Bethlehem Lutheran Church Bay Ridge Betsey Johnson Betsey Johnson – UWS Boutique Betsy Head Big Apple Bowling & Fun Center Big Apple Circus Office Big Apple Ranch Bijoux Bike Path at Rutgers Slip Billymark's West Billy’s Antiques & Props Biny Bio Biography Bookstore Birch Box Bird Birdland Birreria at Eataly Bite Beauty Lip Lab Bitter & Esters Bitter End Bit’z Kids Bizarre Bar BJ Flea Market BK9 BKLYN Studios Black (Formerly Exit) Black Betty Black Box at 440 Studios Black Seed Bagels Black Swan Blackout Bar Blackout Haunted House Blackstone's Blaggard's Pub Blarney Rock Pub Blarney Star Blarney Stone Blarney Stone Pub Bleecker Street Theatre Blessed Peacemakers Blibetroy Blind Tiger Ale House Bliss 49 Bliss 57 Bliss Bar & Lounge Bliss Soho Blondies Blood Manor Bloomingdale Branch Bloomingdale's Blow Hookah Lounge & Cafe BLT Fish Blue & Cream Blue & Gold Tavern Blue Atelier Blue Fin Blue Heron Park Blue in Green Blue Lounge at The Ribbon Blue Note Blue Owl Blue Ruin Blue Smoke Blue Water Grill Blueberi Blueme Luxury Fragrance Pop Up Shop Grand Opening Bluestockings Bookstore BLVD Boardy Barn Bobby V.'s Body by Brooklyn bodySCULPT Bohemia Nightclub Bohemia Realty Bohemian Bohemian National Hall Bohen Foundation Boilermaker Bombalulus's Bon Maison Compagnie Bond 07 by Selima Bond No. 9 Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks BOOGATTI NY Book Culture Book-Off Bookcourt Booker and Dax Bookmarks Books of Wonder Boomers Sports Club Borough Park Market Boston Comedy Club Botanica Botanica Bar Boucarou Lounge Boudoir Boulevard Tavern Boulevard Tavern Bounce Sporting Club Bourbon St Boutique on 57 Bow Bowery & Vine Bowery Ballroom Bowery Poetry Club Bowl Rite Lanes Incorporated Bowler City Bowlerland Bowl Bowling Fun Center Bowling Green Market Bowling Green Park Bowlmor Lanes Bowlmor Lanes Times Square Boxcar Lounge Branch Branch Ofc Branded Saloon Brandy Melville Brandy's Piano Bar Brass Monkey Roof Deck Brasserie 214 Brasserie 8 1/2 Brazen Head BRAZTOURS NEW YORK Bread & Tulips Breadbox Brecht Forum Brendan’s Bar & Grill Brennan's Breukelen Cellars Brew York City Growler Bar BRIC House Brickyard Gastro Pub Bridge Cafe Bridge for Dance Bridge View Tavern Bridgehampton Historical Society Corwith House Bridgewaters Brinkley's Stations Broad Street Ballroom Broadway Bodies Broadway Comedy Club Broadway Comedy Club Broadway Dive Broadway Family Dental Broadway Panhandler Broadway Presbyterian Church Broken Shaker Brokerage Bronx Bronx Bronx Ale House Bronx Haunted House Bronx Museum of the Arts Bronx Zoo Brook Club Brook-Woods Brookdale Park Brooklyn Brooklyn Abortion Clinic Brooklyn Art Haus Brooklyn Art Library Brooklyn Bazaar Brooklyn Bears/Pacific St Community Garden Brooklyn Beer & Soda Brooklyn Billiards Brooklyn Borough Hall Brooklyn Borough Hall Market Brooklyn Botanical Garden Brooklyn Bowl Brooklyn Brewery Brooklyn Bridge Park Brooklyn Bureau of Community Service Brooklyn Center for Performing Arts Brooklyn Children's Academy Preschool Brooklyn Children's Museum Brooklyn Classic Brooklyn Collective Brooklyn Comedy Collective Brooklyn Crab Brooklyn Expo Center Brooklyn Flea at Industry City 2017 (Winter) Brooklyn Flea SoHo Brooklyn Flea Winter at the Skylight 2016 Brooklyn Fox Brooklyn GYN Place Brooklyn Heights Association Brooklyn Heights Cinemas Brooklyn House of Comedy Brooklyn Ice House Brooklyn Indie Fest Brooklyn Indie Market Brooklyn Inn Brooklyn Kitchen Brooklyn Kitchen & Bath Brooklyn Kura Brooklyn Low Line Brooklyn Lyceum Brooklyn Masonic Temple Brooklyn Mercantile Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn Music School Brooklyn Nights Bar Brooklyn Public House Brooklyn Public Library Brooklyn Robot Foundry Brooklyn Studios for Dance Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. Brooklyn Tap House Brooklyn Terrace Brooklyn Yarn Cafe Brooklynski Brooks Brothers Brooks Brothers Brooks Brothers Brooks Brothers Brother Jimmy's BBQ & Booze Brotherhood Synagogue Brouwerij Lane Brower Park Brown Sugar Club BrowNY International Bruno Jamais Bruno Walter Auditorium Brunswick Zone Brunswick Zone-Belleville Bryant Park Bryant Park Lawn Bryant Park Lounge - Residence Inn Marriott Bubble Lounge Buccleuch Park Buckler Buddha Lounge Buffalo Exchange Bug Carousel at Bronx Zoo Bull McCabe's Bunga's Den BUNGALO Bungalow 8 Burp Castle Burrito Loco Bush Terminal Park Bushwick Houses Bushwick Public House Business Improvement District Buskers Butter Buttercup's Paw-tisserie C Pac C'Mon Everybody C-Note C. Wonder C.W. Post L.I.U. Chapel Cabana Bar Cabin Fever Cabin Fever Cable Beverages Cabrini Repertory Theater Cabrini Thrift Store Cachaca Jazz Club Cadman Plaza Park Café 3 atSolomon R. Guggenheim Museum Café 81 Cafe Carlyle Cafe Creole Café Deville Cafe Notte Kid's Club CAFE NUNEZ Cafe Pierre Cafe Select's Party Room Caffe Vivaldi Cain Cain’s Tavern Cake Shop Calico Jack's Calico Jack's Cantina Callahans Callalilai Calle Ocho Calling All kids too Calm Massage and Skincare for Women Calm Massage and Skincare for Women Calvary St George's Calvary St. George's Vintage Furniture Calvary/St. George's Furniture Thrift Shop Calvin Clark Camaje Bistro & Lounge Campbell Apartment Campeon Canal Jeans Canal Room Cancer Care Thrift Shop Candlelite Cabaret Candy Plum Cantina Latina Cantina Rooftop Cantina Royal Cantor Film Center, NYU Capitale Capitol Fishing Tackle Capri Nightclub Captain's Ketch Restaurant Capucine Cargo Cafe Caribou Baby Carmine Pool Carmine's Carnaval Carnegie Hall Carole Stupell Ltd Caroline's On Broadway Carriage Rides at Central Park Carroll Gardens Market Carroll Park Casa Bond Casa de Rodriguez Casa Frela Gallery Casa Mezcal Casa Positano Casandra Cinema Casino Professionals of New York Cassidy's Pub Cassidy's Pub Castell Rooftop Bar Castillo Theatre Catbird Catch-22 Catching a bite at the Crossroads of the World Cathedral Basilica of St. James Cathedral of St. John the Divine Cathedral of St. John the Divine, St. James Chapel Cathedral Thrift Shop Catherine Malandrino Cats Club Catwalk Caudalie Caudalie Cavali New York Caveat Cavo CBGB CBS Early Show Studio Plaza CBS Store Cecile & Jeanne Cedar Lane Cinemas Celebration Of Whimsy CELLAR BAR Cellar Dog Center Bar Center Stage Center Thrift Shop Central Park Central Park (West Lawn) Central Park South Dental Care Central Park Walking Tours Central Synagogue Centrico Centro-Fly Century 21 Century 21-Brooklyn Century Medical & Dental Center (Downtown Brooklyn Century Medical & Dental Center (Flatbush) Century Medical & Dental Center (Sheepshead Bay) Cesare Paciotti Chacott by Freed of London Chai Center- Dix Hills Chain Theatre Challengher NYC Champagne Problems Change of Season Characters Charles A. Dana Discovery Center Charmzoa Chase Manhattan Plaza chashama Chatham Square Branch Cheap Jack's Vintage Clothing Cheetah Club Cheim & Read Chelsea Annex Antiques Fair & Flea Market Chelsea Annex Antiques Fair & Flea Market Chelsea Art Museum Chelsea French Market Chelsea Manor Chelsea Market Chelsea Music Hall Chelsea Piers Chelsea Plaza Triangle Chelsea Room at Chelsea Hotel Chelsea Television Studios Chelsea Terminal Warehouse Chelsea Thrift Shop Cherry Lane Theatre Cherry Pit Cherry Tavern Cherry Tree Bar Chetty Red Chez Suzette Chic N Bones Children's Museum of Manhattan Children’s Museum of the Arts China 1 China Chalet China Club China River Chinatown Chinese Community Center Auditorium Chisholm Larsson Gallery Christ and St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Christian Audigier Christie's Christopher Brosius Ltd Christopher Henry Gallery Chrystie 141 Chumley's Church of Notre Dame Church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church of St. Ignatius Loyola Church of St. Luke In the Fields Church of St. Mary The Virgin Church of Sweden Church of the Messiah Ciaran Tully Cielo Cienfuegos Cinema Village 12th Street Cinemart Cinemas Cipriani 42nd Street Cipriani Wall Street Circle Line Cruises CIRCLE NY Circolo45 Citi Field Citibank (Park Ave) Citibank Park City Center City Cinemas 1, 2 & 3 City Cinemas 86th Street East City Cinemas Village East City Climbers Club City Hall Park City Harvest City Opera Thrift Shop City Point BKLYN City Winery City-Meals-On-Wheels CityMD E37TH ST CityMD E67TH ST CityMD E86th ST CityMD W14TH ST CityMD W23RD ST CityMD W57TH ST CityMD W91ST ST Claire Shulman Playhouse Main Stage Theatre Clara Francis Gallery Claremont Claremont Stables near Central Park Clarion Theatre Claro De Luna Class One Mixed Martial Arts and CrossFit Classic Stage Company Classical Theatre of Harlem Clayton Center for the Performing Arts Clean Cut Movers NYC Clear Water Beach Club Clearview 62nd & Broadway Clearview Allwood Cinema 6 Clearview Bellevue 4 Clearview Bergenfield 5 Clearview Bronxville 3 Clearview Caldwell Cinema 4 Clearview Chelsea Clearview Chelsea West Clearview Cinema 23 Fiveplex Clearview Clairidge Cinemas Clearview Closter Cinema 4 Clearview First & 62nd Clearview Manhasset 3 Clearview Millburn Cinemas Clearview Port Washington Clearview Soundview 6 Clearview Squire Cinemas Clearview Tenafly Cinema 4 Clearview Ziegfeld Clem's Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center Cleopatra's Needle Clever Climax Clinton Community Garden Clinton Hall Bronx Clio Cloak Clockwork Bar Clothing Line Cloud City Clove Lakes Park Clover Club Clover Field Club Angels Club Babalu Club Bonafide Club Cumming Club Europa Club Evolution Club Getaway Club Ice Club Iguana Club Lust NY Club Miami NYC Club Midway Club Rio Club Runway Club Shelter Club Vasilon Clurman Theater Clurman Theatre COA Coal Yard Bar Cobalt Room (Gramercy Park Hotel) Cobble Hill Cinema Coco 66 Coco Bongo New York Coda Cog & Pearl Colden Auditorium at Queens College Colette Coliseum Books Coliseum Cinemas Coliseum White Plains Collector's Toy Den College of Staten Island College Point Multiplex Cinemas Colonial Lanes Bowling Center Colonnade Row Columbia Market Columbia Park Cinema 12 Columbia University Columbia University, Deutsches House Columbus 72 Columbus Park Columbus Townhouse Comedy Cellar Comic Strip Live Comix Commerce Bank Commodore Barry Commonwealth Comptoir des Cotonniers Con Amore Cabaret Conca D'oro Restaurant Concourse Plaza Multiplex Cinemas Coney Island Coney Island Baby Coney Island Beach Coney Island History Project Coney Island Museum and Sideshow Theatre Conference House Park Congregation B'Nai Israel Congregation B'Nai Israel Congregation Beth Elohim Congregation Shaare Zedek Congress Connelly Theater Connolly's Connolly’s Pub & Restaurant Conquete Contemporary Periodontics and Implant Surgery Continental Continental Airlines Arena Conway's Conway's #2 Cool Vs Cruel Cooper Union Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum- Smithsonian Copacabana Copia Copia Coral Room Cornelia Day Resort Cornelia Street Cafe Cornerstone Tavern Corning Museum of Glass Cornucopia Majesty CORT Cortelyou Market Cosmetic Dentistry Center Cosmo's Launderama Cotton Club NY Council Thrift Shop Courtshop Covenhoven Covet Cozy Bowl COZY CAFE CraftNewYork Craftsteak Craig Van Den Brulle Crash Mansion Cream Creative Entertainment New Park Cinema Creative Pier Creatures of Comfort Crehan's Pub Crema Restaurante Creole Restaurant and Supper Club Crest Hollow Country Club Crimson Crobar Crocodile Lounge Cromwell Recreational Center Cross County Multiplex Cinemas Cross Island Parkway Croton Reservoir Tavern Crotona Crotona Park & Victory Garden Crowell & Moring Crumpler (SOHO) Crumpler Custom Bag Shop Crush Nightclub Cubby Cubbyhole Cult of Individuality Culture Club CULTURE LAB LIC Culture Project Culturefix Cunningham Park CUNY Graduate Center Cyclone Cyril's Fish House D Pet Hotels D'Sapone-Brooklyn d.b.a New York D.I.P. Aqua Bar and Lounge D.J. Reynolds d.u.m.b.o. Da Marino Dada Land Compound Daffy's - 57th Street Daffy's - 5th Ave. Daffy's - Herald Square Daffy's - Madison Ave. Daffy's - SoHo Dag Hammarskjold Plaza Market Dahesh Museum of Art Daily 235 Daintree Dairy Visitor Center Dallas BBQ Times Square Damrosch Park Dan's Chelsea Guitars Dance Art New York (DANY) Studios Dance Manhattan Dance Space Project Dance Theater Workshop Danese Dangerfield's Danny's Skylight Room Danspace Project Danu Huntington Dark Room Darling Dave & Busters Farmingdale Dave and Busters Dave's Quality Meat Davenport Theatre David Burke Tavern David Cervini David Copperfields David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center David H. Koch Theater David Rubenstein Atrium at the Lincoln Center dba Brooklyn De Beers DE Rise's Bowling Pro Shop Deacon Brodies Dead Herring Loft Dear Strangers Death & Company Death By Audio Death By Auto Decade Deep Deibel Dejavu Dek's American Dekalb Market Hall Dekk Del Posto Delacorte Theater Delmonico's Demerara Demi Monde Dempsey's Pub Deralickt Design Lab at the New York Hall of Science Designers' Collective Designs in Textiles by Mary Jaeger Desigual Desmond's Desotelle NuBox Theater Desotelle Studio Dessert Studio at Chocolat Michel Cluizel Details Detonation Thursdays (at Stonewall) Detour Devi Restaurant Dewey's Flatiron Dia Art Foundation - Dia:Chelsea Diamond Reef Diane Von Furstenberg Dicapo Opera Theatre Dillon Gallery DiMenna Space for Classical Music Dina's Hideaway Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Dinosaur Hill Dip Diplomat Lanes Incorporated Dirck the Norseman Dirty Disco Discothèque Discovery Times Square Distilled District Social District Sporting Lounge Ditmars Station Pub & Restaurant DIVA Dive 75 Divine Bar East Divine Bar West Dixon Place Dizzy's Club Coca Cola Doc Holliday's Doc Watson's Dog House Craft and Kitchen Doggie Kingdom Dolce & Gabbana Dominion NY Domino Park Domus Unaffected Living Don Coqui Don Hill's Don Pedro's Don Pedro's Don't Tell Mama Donnybrook Dop Dop Salon Dorothy Strelsin Theatre Dorsia Dos Caminos Double Down Saloon Double Seven Double Windsor Douglas and DeGraw Dover Street Market Downstairs Downstairs 507 Bar & Grill Downtime Downtown Art Downtown Bar & Grill Downtown Boathouse - 72nd Street Downtown Boathouse - Pier 96 Downtown Community TV Center Downtown Conference Center Downtown Doghouse Downtown Path Market Dr. Joseph Greer Dr. Thomas Cristello, DC DR2 Theatre DR2 Theatre Dragonfly Marina Bar & Grill Dragonfly NJ Dram Dram Shop Dream Downtown Dream Hotel Downtown Drexler’s Drier Offerman Park Drier Offerman Park Drom Drunken Monkey Bar & Grill Dry Dock DSW: Midtown West Dublin House & Tap Room Duke of Montrose Duke's Bar Dukkha Tattoo Dumbo Loft Dune Duo Multicultural Arts Center DURDEN BAR Dutch Kills Dutch Kills Bar Duvet Dynaco D`R`K Eagle Rock Lanes Eamonn’s Bar & Grill Ear Inn Earl's Beer & Cheese Earth NYC East River Ferry East River Park East River Park at The Bandshell East River State Park East River State Park East Village Dance Project East Village Playhouse East Village Tavern East Village Thrift Shop Eastern District EastVille Comedy Club eAutoLease Eclectic Home Ed Hardy by Christian Audigier Ed Walsh Pro Shop Edelweiss Eden Eden Lounge Edgar Allan Poe Cottage Effervescent Authors at New York Champagne Week Effin Gruven Eighth Avenue Flea Market Eisenhower Park Ekphrasis El Flamboyan El Flamboyan/Jardin Criollo El Flamingo El Meson Asturias El Morocco BallRoom El Museo Del Barrio El Rancho Drive In El Venado Polo School Elaine Arsenault Eldridge Street Project Electric Cruise Electric Room at The Dream Hotel Downtown Elektra Theater Element Element X Elevated Acre Elevations Eleven Elixr Elizabeth Ella Ellen's Stardust Diner Elleven Jewelry Elliot Mann Elsie Rooftop NYC Eltingville Lutheran School Defensive Driving EMBASSY Embora Wellness & Movement Studio Empire City Casino Empire Cruises NYC - Skyport Marina Empire Hotel Empire Hotel Rooftop Empire Room Empire State Building Empire State Building Museum Empire State Building's 102nd Floor Observatory Employees Only Emporium Enamoo Endless Summer: LALO Tequila at Virgin Hotels New Endless Summer: LALO Tequila at Virgin Hotels New Entertainment Cruises Envy Smile Dental Spa Envy Smile Dental Spa Equus Stable Inc Erica Weiner Jewelry Erie Basin Ernst C. Stiefel Concert Hall Eryn Brinie Escape Penthouse Espa at the Peninsula Hotel Espace ESPN Zone Ethos Ethyl's Eugene Eva Eva's Closet Eve Evelyn Drinkery Evelyn Lounge, The Event Premiere Everybody's Thrift Shop EVGB Evil Beauty Evil Twin Brewing Evolution Evolution evolve motorcycles EVR Excelsior Exile Above 2A Exit 9 Exit Art Exotic Dance Party Central Experimental Cocktail Club Express - 34th Street Express - 3rd Ave. Express - 5th Ave. Express - Columbus Ave. Express - Lexington Ave. Express - Madison Ave. Express - Manhattan Mall Express - South Street Seaport Express Brooklyn Tile LLC Extra Vertical Faber Factory 232 Failte Irish Whisky Bar Fair Oaks Drive In Fanelli's Cafe Fantastic Gardens Of Long Island Inc FAO Schwarz FAO Schwarz Rockefeller Center Farks Supercars Fashions by Jordi Scott Fashionshowteam Fat Cat Father Demo Square Father Duffy Square FDNY Firezone Featherweight Federal Hall National Memorial Feigen Contemporary Feinstein's 54 Below femmegems Femmina Italian Image Makers Fez under Time Cafe Fiddlesticks Fifth Ave Thai Spa Filaments Filene's Basement - 6th Ave. Filene's Basement - Upper West Side Filene's Basement Union Square Film Forum Filter 14 Finale Finding the Fashions After the Shows Finger Lakes Drive In Fins Pub Firebird Firefly First & Second Cousin First Church of Christ First Presbyterian Church Fisher Fisher Landau Center for Art Fishs Eddy Fitzgerald’s Pub Fitzpatrick's Flag Art Foundation Flaming Saddles Saloon Flamingo East Flannery's Bar Flash Factory Flash Inn Flatbush Development Corp. (FDC) Flatlands Flea Market Flight 001 Float Flor de Sol Florence Gould Hall Flow FLOW LOUNGE Floyd Floyd Bennett Field Flushing Meadows Park Flushing Town Hall Flute Flying Squirrel Flyrite Tattoo Foie Gras Doggy Biscuits at Bouchon Bakery Fontana's Food Bank For New York City Fools Gold Forbes Galleries Forbidden Planet Forest Hills Stadium Forever 21 Fort Defiance Fort Gansevoort Fort Greene Park Fort Greene Park Market Fort Totten Park Fort Tryon Park Fortunoff Fountain House Thrift Shop Four Food Studios Four Seasons Caterer Southampton Fourth Avenue Pub Fourth Street Theatre Fourth Universalist Society Fox & Friends' All-American Summer Concert Series Foxy Lady II Frames Bowling Lounge NYC Frank Bee Costume Frank Theatres South Cove Cinema 12 Frank's Cocktail Lounge Franklin Park Fraunces Tavern Fraunces Tavern Museum Fred Flare Fred Johnson Tennis Courts Fred Johnson Tennis Courts Freddy's Freddy's Bar & Backroom Frederick's Madison Free Tours by Foot Freedom Tower Fresh Fresh Kills Fresh Kills Bar Fresh Meadows fresh Union Square Fridman Gallery Friedman Benda Friends and Lovers FringeHUB Frye Fuelray Bar and Lounge Full Moon Saloon Fulton Center Fun Funstation USA Furnish Green g G Spa & Lounge G.C. William Gabay's Gabby O’Hara’s Gagosian Gallery Gaia Coffee Roasters Galapagos Art Space Galaxy Comics Galaxy Theatre Galerie Protégé Gallagher's Steak House Galleria Metroplex 10 Galleria on Third Gallery 151 Gallery Hanahou Galli Theater Galli Theater Gallow Green Galway Hooker Bar Gansevoort Park Avenue Gantry Plaza State Park Gao's BBQ & Crab Garden of Happiness Garden Palace Garden State Bowl Garfunkel’s Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Garment District Holiday Market Gaslight Lounge Gatsby's Gelsey Kirkland Arts Center Gemini Lounge Geminola Gene Frankel Theatre Generation Records Genesis Bar and Restaurant Genuine Liquorette George Adams Gallery George Bruce Branch Library George Keeley George Seuffert Bandshell @ Forest Park Gerald W. Lynch Theater German House at German Consulate General Gershwin Hotel GERTIE Getaway Alcohol-Free Bar Ghost Tour Giants Stadium Gibney Dance Center Gibney Studios Gibraltar Lounge Gifted Giggle Giggle Gilded Lily Gillhodges Lanes Gin Mill ginette_ny jewelry bar Ginger Man Ginger Man Ginger's Giraudier & Guzman girlshop Gishen Café Gizzi's Music Cafe Gladys' Comedy Club (at Hamburger Harry's) Glasshouse Glasslands Gallery Gleason's Gym Glen Cove Beer Distributor Glendale Bowling Alleys Gloria Maddox Theater Glorywebs Creatives Pvt. Ltd. GMT Tavern Go God's Love We Deliver Goddard-Riverside Thrift Shop Godmother's League Thrift Shop GoGorilla Media Gold Bear GoldBar Golden Cadillac Gonzalez y Gonzalez Good Beer Good Company Good Shepherd United Methodist Church Good Shepherd-Faith Presbyterian Church Goodbye Blue Monday Goodwill Thrift Shop 1 Goodwill Thrift Shop 2 Goodwill Thrift Shop 3 Goodwill Thrift Shop 4
Gotham Book Mart Gotham Chamber Opera Gotham City Improv Gotham City Lounge Gotham Comedy Club Gotham Hall Gotham Walking Tours Gotta Have It! Governor's Island National Monument Governors Beach Club Governors Island Governors Island Graceful Services Gramercy 32 Arts Gramercy Arts Theater (Repertorio Espanol) Gramercy Comedy Club Gramercy Park Hotel Private Roof Club and Garden Grand Army Grand Army Plaza Grand Ballroom @ Manhattan Center Grand Banks Grand Central Grand Central Market Grand Hall at St. Mary’s Church Grand Havana Room Grand Hyatt New York Grand Opening Public Projects Grand Prospect Hall Grassroots Tavern Great Jones Distilling Co Great Jones Spa Great Kills Beach Greater Faith Temple Church Green Acres Cinemas Green Acres Mall Green Room 42 Green Side Up Nursery Greenbelt Nature Center GreenFlea Greenflea, Inc. Greenhouse Greenlight Bookstore Greenpoint Gallery Greenwich House School of Music Greenwich Letterpress Greenwich Village Country Club Greis Park Grey Lady Griffin Griffin NYC Grind Grit n Glory Grounded Aerial Dance Theater Guastavino's NYC Guastovino's Gucci Guernica Guggenheim Museum Guild Hall Gun Post Lanes H&M - 125th Street H&M - 5th Ave. H&M - Herald Square H&M - Lexington Ave. H&M - Seventh Ave. H&M - Soho H&M - Soho 2 H.U.B. (Hudson Ultra Bar) Ha! Comedy Club Haaren Hall, 3rd Floor, John Jay College Haffen Hair of the Dog Half King Pub, The Half Moon Hall des Lumières Hall des Lumières Halloween Adventure Halo Halyards Hamilton Fish Hamilton Grange National Memorial Hamilton Landmark Galleries Hammacher Schlemmer & Company Hammerstein Ballroom Hamptons Hand Of Glory Tattoo Handle With Care Hansborough Recreation Center Hansborough Swimming Pool Happy Valley Harbor Lights Harbor NYC Rooftop Harbor View Car Service Hard Rock Cafe Harket Motel Harlem Lanes Harlem Public Harlem Restoration Project Thrift Shop Harlem School of the Arts Harlem Stage Gatehouse Harlem Tea Room Harlem YMCA Harley's Smokeshack Harry's at Water Taxi Beach Harvestworks Haswell Greens NYC HaswellEdiger Hattie Carthan Community Garden Haus NYC Havana Central Times Square Haven Haven's Kitchen Haverstraw Marina HAVIN' A PARTY... Hawthorne 5 Hayden Planetarium Haymaker Bar & Kitchen HB Burger Heart & Home Thrift Store Heart Beat Heartland Brewery and Chophouse Heartland Golf Heathers Heatonist Hebrew Tabernacle Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion Hecho en Dumbo Heckscher State Park Helen Mills Theater Helen's Hell Gate Social Hell's Kitchen Flea Market Help Line Thrift Shop Henri Bendel Henry Bookbinding Co. Henry Highland Garnet Outdoor Plaza Henry M. Jackson Playground Henry Street Settlement Henry's Rooftop Bar Henry, A Liquor Bar Herald Square (34th Street Partnership) Herbert Von King Park HERE Arts Center Hermès Hi-Fi Hidden Lane Hidden Leaf Hide & Seek High Bar High Rock Park High Wire Act Highbar Highbridge Highbridge Park Highland Park Highline Ballroom Hill & Dale Hill & Dale Hill Country Hilton Garden Inn Hilton New York Hotel Hiro Ballroom Historic Richmond Town Historic Richmond Town Market HiWay Drive-IN Hoboken Hofstra University Hogs & Heifers Saloon Holiday Cocktail Lounge Holiday Gift Guide Holiday House Holiday Lights & Movie tour Holiday Shopping At Union Square Holland Bar Holler & Squall Hollister Co., Flagship Store Hollywood East Orange Theatre Hollywood Lanes Home & Haven Home and Guest House Home Sweet Home home/made Honey Badger | Best Fine Dining Restaurant in NYC honeygrow Hooligans Tavern Hooters Hooters of East Meadow Hooters of Farmingdale Hooters of Fresh Meadows Hooters of Islandia Hop Devil Grill Horseman Antiques Hortus NYC Hotel Chantelle Hotel Delmano Hotel Eventi Hotel Gansevoort Hotel Metro Rooftop Bar Hotel on Rivington Hotel Pennsylvania Hotel Stanford Houndstooth Pub House of Cards and Curiosities House of the Redeemer House of Yes Housing Works Thrift Shop 1 Housing Works Thrift Shop 2 Housing Works Used Book Cafe Houston Hall Howard Howl at the Moon Hudson Clearwater Hudson Guild Theatre Hudson Opera House Hudson River Cafe Hudson River Park Hudson Sky Terrace Hudson Terrace Hudson Terrace Hudson Yards announces new restaurants, shops Hudson's at Pier 81 Hudson's Sports Bar (at the Sheraton) Hunter College Hunter College Sportsplex, Gym B Huntington Terrace Brandywine Huntress Home Hurley's Saloon Hush Hylan Blvd. Flea Market i i Bop Karaoke Ibiza Kidz Ideal Glass Identity IDK Style Therapy Idle Hands Bar Idlewild IFC Center Iggy's Keltic Lounge Iglesia Cristiana Eben Ezer Iglesia Cristiana Eben-Ezer Iguana Lounge Il Bastardo Illusions IMAGINE IMAGINE Immaculate Conception Church Immediate Mailing Services Improv In God We Trust In God We Trust Inc Lounge Indigo Hotel Chelsea Industries Stationery INFINITY HORNBLOWER Infra Red Lounge Innovative Dance Sport Instituto Cervantes New York Insurance Licensing Institute Interart Theater Annex Intermix Intermix SoHo International Bar International Center of Photography International Council of Shopping Centers International House Internet Cafe Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Inwood Inwood Bar and Grill Inwood Branch Inwood Hill Park Inwood Market Iona Irene's Place Iridium Jazz Irish Arts Center Irish Arts Center Iron Bar & Grill NYC Iron Bar & Lounge Iron Horse NYC Irondale Center IRT Theater Irving Institute for Medical Research Thrift Shop Irving Plaza Island Oyster - Governor's Island Island Rock Issue Project Room It NYC Italian American Museum Ivana Helsinki iYogi : Computer Tech Support New York iYogi Inc Izod Center Izod Center The Meadowlands Izzy Bar J & S Pro Shop J'adore J. P. Warde's Jacana Jacana Yacht JACK Jack Doyle's Restaurant & Pub Jack Duggans Jack Rogers Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson Park Jackie Robinson Park Jackrabbit Slim's Jackson Heights Market Jacob Javits Convention Center Jacob Riis Park Beach Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art Jade Terrace Jaguars 3 Jake's Dilemma Jalopy Music Theatre Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning Jamaica Multiplex Cinemas Jan Hus Church Jan Krugier Gallery Jane's Carousel Jane’s Closet Japan Society Jay Sharp Theater Jazz Jazz at Lincoln Center Jazz Gallery Jazz Standard JBird Cocktails JCC JCC in Manhattan JD Pottery JD's Bar Jefferson Market Branch of NYPL Jeffrey and Paula Gural Theatre at the A.R.T./New Jellyfish New York Jelsomino Jeremy's Ale House Jersey Lanes Incorporated Jessie James Jewel Box Theatre Jewel Diva Jewel Thief Jewel Yacht Jib Lanes Jim Kempner Fine Art Jimmy Jimmy Choo Jimmy's Corner Jimmy's NYC Jimmy’s No. 43 Jo's Joe Franklin's Comedy Club Joe Michaels Mile Joe Trentacosta Joe's Pub John Bartlett John DeSotelle Studio John Jay John Street Church John Varvatas Johnny Utah's Jolie's NYC Jonathan Adler Jones Beach Theater Jorge Isaac, Spring 2010 Joria Productions Mainstage Joy joy nture Joyce Soho Joyce Theater Joyface Judson Memorial Church Judy's Chelsea Juke Bar Jules Julia De Burgos Performance and Arts Center July 4th at Swingers, The Crazy Golf Club NoMad Jumelle June Havoc Theatre Juvenex Spa JW Marriott Essex House J’Macs K KahriAnne Kerr Show Kangol Columbus Ave Kass Glassworks Katana Kitten Kate Spade Kate’s Paperie Katherine Hepburn Garden Kathlin Argiro Kathryn Markel Fine Arts Katra Katwalk Kavehaz Kaye Playhouse KD Dance Keats Keesal & Mathews Keg and Lantern Kellari Parea Bistro Kellari Taverna Kenny's Castaways Kent Theatre Kettle of Fish Kew Gardens Cinemas Key Keyspan Park KGB KHAN LOUNGE kid o Kid O Kid Robot Kiddie Cruise Kidding Around Kids Dentistry Center Kiki De Montparnasse Kili Kill Devil House of Dark Spirits Killarney Pub KillBar Killmeyers Old Bavarian Inn Kimoto Rooftop Garden Lounge Kindred King & Grove Hotel Williamsburg King Manor Museum Kings Bay Y at North Williamsburg Kings Bay Y at Windsor Terrace Kings Bay YM/WHA Kings County Carburetor Kings Plaza 6 Kings Plaza Shopping Center & Marina Kings Theatre Brooklyn Kingsborough Community College Kingsbridge Armory Kingside Kingsland Homestead - Queens Historical Society Kintsugi Omakase Kirkland and Ellis, LLP Kirn McGuire Antiques Kiss and Fly Kitchen Arts and Letters Kitchen Bar Kitchening Kitty Kiernans Kiwi Klimat Klub 4 Kidz Klub Europa Knickerbocker Saloon Knit New York Knitting Factory Knockdown Center Knoedler Gallery Koh's Kids Kokin Boutique Kola House Korin Kosciuszko Foundation Kouros Gallery Kowsky Plaza Kraine Theater Kropps & Bobbers KTCHN Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts Kupferberg Center for the Arts at Queens College Kurt's Pro Shop LLC Kurtz Center for the Performing Arts Kyotoya La Belle Epoque La Biblioteca LA BOOM La Maganette La MaMa La MaMa Annex La MaMa ETC La MaMa The Club La Marina La Marqueta La Nueva Escuelita La Nuit LA NUIT NYC La Piscine at Hotel Americano La Playa La Pomme La Prairie Spa La Prima Donna La Quinta La Sirena La Vibra NYC La Zarza Lady Of Grand Lady Stardust LaGuardia Performing Arts Center Lair Lounge Lake Street Lakeside Lounge Lance Lappin Tri Be Ca Landmark Sunshine Cinema Lang Recital Hall Langan's Lansky Lounge Larry Flynt's Hustler Club Laser Therapy of Brooklyn Lasker Lasker Rink (in Central Park) Lasker Rink at Central Park Last Licks Ice Cream Store Last-Minute Holiday Shoppers Latin Kitchen Latin Quarter Latitude Laugh Factory Laugh Lounge NYC Laughing Devil Comedy Club Laura Ashley Laura Lobdell Jewelry Laura Lobdell Jewelry Laurie Beechman Theatre @ West Bank Cafe Lava Nyc Lavish Lounge Lavo Lazy Boy Saloon & Ale House Le Bain Le Bar Penelope Le Baron Le Caire Lounge Le Carrousel at Bryant Park Le Corset Le Jazz Au Bar Le Labo Le Midi Bistro Le Parker Meridien le poisson rouge Le Poisson Rouge Le Privé Le Reve Restaurant Lounge Le Royale Le Sabon Le Souk Leave Rochelle Out Of It LeeAnne Homsey Lefferts Historic House Leffot Leftfield Legacy Lego Store at Rockefeller Center LeGrande Lounge LeGrande Lounge @ The Time Hotel Lehman Center for the Performing Arts Leif Ericson Park Leifsdottir Leisure Time Bowling at Port Authority Leon Kaiser Park Leonard Library Leopard Lounge LePage Les Halles LES Thompson Level One Lounge Levittown Bowl South Levittown Bowling North Lexicon Club Lexington School and Center for the Deaf Leyenda LI Party Rides Libation Libation Liberty Liberty Belle Liberty Plaza Liberty Science Center Liberty State Park Liberty Theater Liberty Village Premium Outlets Light Lighthouse International Lil Charlie's at Ken & Cook Lilith Lilium Lilium Club Lillie’s Victorian Establishment Lily Pond Limo Tour NYC Lin Strapz Lincoln Center Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts Lincoln Center Library for the Performing Arts Lincoln Center Theater Lincoln Center's Peter Jay Sharp Theater Lincoln Cinemas Lincoln Hospital Market Lincoln Plaza Cinemas Linden Blvd. Multiplex Cinemas Ling Skin-Care Spa Lion's Den Liquids Lisa Shaub Fine Millinery Little Branch Little Italy Little Joe by Gail Elliott Littlefield Living Room Bar & Terrace Living Room Bar and Terrace Liz Christy Bowery Houston Community Garden Local 138 Local West Loehmann's - Brooklyn Loehmann's - Riverdale Loehmanns - Manhattan Loews 19th Street East 6 Loews 34th Street Loews 42nd St. E Walk Loews 72nd Street East 1 Loews 84th Street Theatre 6 Loews Alpine 7 Loews Bay Terrace Sixplex Loews Cineplex Fantasy 5 Loews Cineplex Rockville Centre 2 Loews Cineplex Shore 8 Loews Fresh Meadows 7 Loews Jersey Gardens 20 Loews King Plaza 6 Loews Kips Bay Theatre Loews Lincoln Square 12 Loews Meadow 6 Loews Orpheum 7 Loews Paramus Route 4 10 Loews Plaza 8 Loews Regency Hotel Loews Ridgefield Park 12 Loews State Theatre 4 Loews The Waterfront at Port Chester Loews Theatres Village VII Loews Wayne 14 Lola Staar's Dreamland Roller Rink Lola Starr Lola’s Boutique Lombardi's Londel’s Supper Club Long Acre Tavern Long Beach Island Film Festival Long Island Long Island Adventureland Long Island Bar Long Island Bar & Restaurant Long Island Children’s Museum Long Island City Market Long Island Ducks Ballpark Long Island Speed Dating Men 48-65; Wom 46-68 Long Island University-Brooklyn Campus Longhorns Longhouse Projects Long’s Wines & Liquors Loopy Doopy Rooftop Bar Loopy Mango Lord & Taylor Loring Place Los Feliz Lost Hours Lost in Paradise Rooftop Lot45 Lotus LOTUS CAFE Lotus Music & Dance Louie Loulou Lounge Lounge 66 Lovage Rooftop and Indoor Lounge Love Love Adorned Love And Quiches Gourmet Love Saves the Day Love Shine Love Shine 718 Loveday 31 Lovely Bride Lowe's Chelsea Lower East Side Market Lower Manhattan Lower West Side Lowering The Stakes Lowlands Bar LOX Lounge LP 'n Harmony LQ Luana Lucia Lucille Lucille Lortel Theatre Lucille's Grill Lucky Brand SoHo Lucky Cheng's Lucky Jack's Lucky Kid Lucky Mojo's Lucky Strike Lanes LuckyDog Luckys of Bayside Lucy Barnes Lucy's Ludlow Manor Luke & Leroy Luminique Medspa by Dr. Fiorillo Luna Lounge Luna Park Lure Fishbar Lush Lush Lush Lounge Lush Lounge Luxx NYC Lycian Centre for the Performing Arts Lynn Redgrave Theater Lyons Lyric Chamber Music Society M & J Trimming M1-5 Lounge Mace Macondo Macy's Macy's Cellar Bar & Grill Mad River Bar & Grille Mad Tropical Mad46 Madam Geneva Madame Tong's Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum Madame X Made in NY Campus at Bush Terminal in Sunset Park Madewell Madison Square Garden Madison Square Garden Madison Square Park Madison Square Tavern Magazine Bar Magic Futurebox Magic Hour Rooftop Bar & Lounge Magic Johnson Theater Magnet Theater Magnetic Field Magnolia Maguire's Public House Mahattan's West Side Mahoney Playground Maia Meyhane Maiden Hong Kong Main Stage Theater Main Stage Theatre Main Street Cinemas Maison Martin Margiela NY (Femme) MAKE Make Believe at Sixty LES Makor Makor Makor Malin and Goetz Malta Drive In Mama Tried Mamalu Play & Munch Ground Man Ray Manchester Pub Manhatta Manhattan Manhattan Arts and Movement Center Manhattan Bird Club Manhattan Cardiovascular Associates Manhattan Center for Kitchen & Bath (MCK+B) Manhattan Concert Productions Manhattan Lounge Manhattan Mall Manhattan Movement and Arts Center Manhattan Penthouse Manhattan Proper Bar and Social Club Manhattan Repertory Theater Manhattan School of Music Manhattan Theatre Club Studios Manhattan Theatre Source Manhattan Velo Manitoba's Mannes College for Music Manny Cantor Center Manor Oktoberfest Forest Hills Mansion Mapes Maple Grove Cemetery Maple Lanes Maplewood Theatre Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey Park Marian Goodman Gallery Maric Lanes Marie's Jazz Bar MarieBelle marimekko Marine Park Marion's Continental Restaurant and Lounge Marjorie S. Dean Little Theatre Mark Lanes Bowling Market Hotel Marlborough Gallery Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan Marmalade Marquee Marquis Theatre Mars Bar Marshall Stack Martha Graham Dance Company Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Martin Luther King Jr. Concert Series FREE! Martini Red Maru Mary O's Marymount Manhattan College Massage Williamsburg Massage Williamsburg Massage Williamsburg Mastel + Mastel Gallery MasterVoices Mavi Max Fish Max Fish (Moved to 120 Orchard Street) Maximus Spa-Salons Maxwell Davidson Gallery Maxwell Davidson Gallery Maxwell's Mayahuel Mayfair 3-Plex MAZAAR LOUNGE MCB simple smart solutions McCarren Park McCarren Park Market McFadden's McFadden's Saloon NYC McGee's Restaurant and Pub McGinn/Cazale Theater McGraw-Hill Conference Center McNally Jackson Books Seaport McNally Robinson Booksellers McSorley's Old Ale House McSwiggans MCU Park Me Bar Meadowlands Exposition Center Mealz Medium Art Gallery Medusa Meet Meg Mehanata Bulgarian Bar Melody Lanes Melrose Ballroom Melville Gallery Memorial Sloan-Kettering Thrift Shop Meow Mix Mercado Little Spain Mercado Little Spain MercBar Merchant's House Museum Mercury Ballroom at New York Hilton Mercury Bar Mercury Lounge Merkin Concert Hall - Kaufman Center MERMAIDS Merrion Row Public House Merrion Square MetLife Stadium Metlife Stadium Metro Baptist Church Metronome: Jazz Lounge Metropolitan Club Metropolitan Opera House Metropolitan Pavilion Metropolitan Playhouse Metropolitan Room Mezco Toyz Mezzrow Jazz Club MicaBar (38th St) MicaBar (51st St) Michael Andrews Bespoke Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts @ Pace Univer Michael’s Holy Land Gifts Michel Bayard's Pinhole Photography Micheline's Micheline's Mickey Mantle's Micky's Blue Room Micro Center Mid-Manhattan Library Middle Branch Middle Village Radiology Midland Beach Midtown 1015 Midtown Dental Group P.C. Midtown Loft & Terrace MIES Design Shop MIJANA MIKA Milady's Bar and Restaurant Milano's Bar Millefleurs Spa Millennium Broadway Hotel Miller Theatre at Columbia University Millesime Club Mimi Ferzt Gallery Mimi Vang Olsen Mimi's Closet Mina Mini Golf at Pier 25 Miniature Golf at Hudson River Park Minor Arcana Mint Mint (formerly Chaos) Mint Julep Minton's Playhouse minus5 Ice Bar at the New York Hilton Mirage Mirror Mirror on the Wall Misdemeanor Bar & Lounge Miss Hoe Mission Mission Dolores Mission Dolores MIST Harlem Mister Paradise Mister Sunday Mitchell-Innes & Nash Mixx Nightclub MNN Youth Channel TV Mo Pitkins MoBay New York Mod Modern Anthology Modern Pinball NYC Moe Ginsburg Moleskine Molloy's Irish Pub Mollusk Molly's Mom Prep Momenta Art MoMo FaLana Monaco Lounge Monarch Rooftop Bar Moncler Mondrian SoHo Mondrian South Beach Mongo Monkey Town monkvintage thrift shop Montana’s Trail House Montero's Bar & Grill Montserrat Gallery Moon River Chattel Moonlighting Moonshine Moore Catholic H.S. Morningside Park Morris-Jumel Mansion Morrison Hotel Morrison Hotel Gallery Morton's The Steakhouse Mosaic Foods Market Mother's Day Mother's Ruin Motivo Motorcycle Federation Mount Sinai Synagogue Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden Movida Movieworld At Douglaston Moxy Williamsburg Moynihan Train Hall Mr. Beery's Mr. Beery’s Mr. Dennehys Mr. McGoo's Mr. Throwback Mt. Pleasent Ministries Flea Market MTV Muchmore's Mud Matters Mud Sweat & Tears Pottery Muddy Paws Mudville 9 MUG Lounge Mulberry Mulberry Street Marketplace Mulcahy's Mulcahy's Mulholland’s Mullaly Murphy's Pub Murphy's Tavern Murray Hill Market Murray Hill Market @ PS116 Murray's Cheese Shop MUSE Museum for African Art Museum of American Finance Museum of Arts & Design Museum of Chinese in the Americas Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art Museum of Folk Art Museum of Folk Art Shop Museum of Illusions Museum of Jewish Heritage Museum of Maritime Navigation and Communication Museum of Sex Museum of the American Cocktail Museum of the American Gangster Museum of the City of New York Museum of the Moving Image Music Hall of Williamsburg Musica Club NYC MusicFest in Bethlehem, Pa Mustang Harry's Mustang Harry's Mustang Sally's Musu Musu Mxyplyzyk Myst N ñ/BK NA. Naeem Khan Studios NYC Nags Head Ale House Naked Lunch Namaste Book Shop Namaste Bookshop Namaste Crystals Nancy Koltes Nancy Whiskey Pub Napper Tandys Narrows Botanical Garden Nasdaq Market Site Nassau Coliseum Nassau Coliseum Nassau County Museum of Art Nassau Metroplex 10 Natalie and Friends Nathan's Famous National Academy Museum National Arts Club National Black Theatre National Jean Company National Museum of Mathematics National Museum of the American Indian National Sawdust Nativa Natural Balance Massage & Wellness Center Naumburg Bandshell and Mall Concert Ground Nautical Empress NBA Store Nebula Nightclub Neely's Barbecue Parlor Negro Claro Neir's Tavern Nell's Nelson Antiques Neptune Beach Club Neue Galerie New York Nevada Smith's New Beer Distributors New Dramatists New Era (NYC flagship) New Fiesta Bowl New Harlem Besame Restaurant New Jersey Performing Arts Center New Life Baptist Church New Lodi Lanes New Museum New Ohio Theatre New Perspectives Studio New Perspectives Theatre Company New Perspectives Theatre Company New Perspectives Theatre Company New Victory Theater New Williamsburgh Cafe New World Stages New York Academics New York Aquarium New York Athletic Club New York Botanical Garden New York Cares NEW YORK CHORAL SOCIETY 54TH ANNUAL SUMMER SINGS New York City Ballet @ New York State Theatre New York City Bar Association New York City Center New York City Center Studios New York City Comprehensive Shuttle Tours New York City Hall New York City Limo Service New York City Opera @ New York State Theater New York City Police Museum New York City Women's Bowling New York Comedy Club New York Couture New York Distilling Company New York Firefighter's Friend New York Hall of Science New York Historical Society New York Institute of Technology New York Institute of Technology Auditorium New York Lawn Bowling Club New York Like A Native New York Live Arts New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge Hotel New York Marriott Marquis New York Old Iron New York Palace Hotel New York Public Library New York Public Library for the Performing Arts New York Public Library-Jefferson Branch New York Society for Ethical Culture New York Society Library New York State New York State Armory New York State Military Museum New York State Theater New York Stock Exchange New York Theatre Ballet Studios New York Theatre Workshop New York Theosophical Society New York Transit Museum New York Transit Museum Gallery Annex & Store New York Yacht Club New Yorker Hotel Newark Screens on Springfield Newark Symphony Hall Niagara Nick's Nightclub Atmosphere Nightmare Bronx Nikki Beach Midtown Niles Triangle Nitecap NJPAC No Fun Bar No Idea No More Eggs No Relation Vintage No. 8a No.6 Store No.8 (formerly Bungalow 8) NoBar Nobody told me Noca Nocellos Restaurant Nocturne NOHO Event Center Noir Nola Rehearsal Studio Nolita Mart & Espresso Bar NOMO SOHO Nook Norikoh Japanese Restaurant Norman J. Pastorek MD, PC, FACS Norman J. Pastorek, MD, PC, FACS North Arlington Bowl-O-Drome North Cove North Cove Marina North Fork Winery North Of History North Shore Towers Northsix Norton Records Nostrand Avenue Pub Notes in Motion Outreach Dance Theatre Nublu Nuela Nurse Bettie NUVES NV NY-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital NYC Dental Implants Center NYC Discovery Walking Tours NYC Glass Works NYC Lusso NYC Paintball NYC Private Collection NYC Seminar and Conference Center NYC Wine Company NYCB Theatre at Westbury NYCHA Sheepshead Tenant Association NYIT Auditorium on Broadway Nypull NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate NYU Skirball NYU Tisch School for the Arts (Dance) O'Connor's O'Hanlon's Bar O'Lunney's O'Neil's O'Neill's O'Neill's Irish Pub O'Nieal's Grand Street Bar O.N.A. Oak Oak Room at the Algonquin Oasis Day Spa Oasis Day Spa Obivia Obscura Antiques & Oddities OBW OceanView Luna Park Ode à la ROSE Off the Wagon Office of Ted Moudis Associates Offshore Sailing Adventures aboard Lettie G. Howar OFFSITE Ohio Theater Ohm Old Bethpage Village Restoration Old Navy - Chelsea Old Navy - Herald Square Old Navy - Soho Old Rooster Bar & Grill Old Town Old Town Bar & Grill Olde Good Things Olive & Bette's Olive Garden NYC Oms/b ON NOW LOUNGE On Stage at Kingsborough Onassis Cultural Center One Fifty One One Manhattan OneSpirit Learning Allience Ono Bar and Lounge Ooba Lounge Opal Opal Bar & Restaurant Open Air Modern Open House Gallery Open House Lounge Opening Ceremony Opening Ceremony at the Ace Hotel Opera America Opera Company of Brooklyn Opera Saratoga Opia Opry City Stage Opus Opus 51 Opus Lounge Orange County Fair Speedway Orange Marmalade Orbit NYC Orchard Beach Organic Modernism Oscar De La Renta Oscar Wilde OTB Otto's Shrunken Head Our Lady of Mount Carmel Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Our Lady of the Snows Church Our/New York Out of the Closet Thrift Shop Out of This World Outdoor Movies NYC Output Overlook Lounge Overtures Owl's Head Park Oyster Bar & Restaurant Ozone Bar and Lounge Ozoner 29 Drive in P. J. Clarke's P.J. Carney's Pub East P.J. Moran's Pub & Restaurant P.S. 122 P.S. 20 Anna Silver P.S. 20 Anna Silver Auditorium P.S.1 MOMA Pace University Pacha Pachita (Upper Floor) Pacific Standard Paddle Wheel Queen Paerdegat Park in East Flatbush Painkiller Palatte Palisades Pangea Lounge Pangea Lounge Papél New York Paper Factory Hotel Paper Source Paradise Factory Paradise Lanes Paradise Lounge Paradou Paramount Bar Paramount Party Supplies Paris Fitness Paris Theatre Park Ave lounge Park Ave lounge Park Ave. Country Club Park Avenue Armory Park Avenue Country Club Park Avenue Spring Park Avenue Winter Park Hyatt Washington D.C. Hotel Park Slope Library Parke & Ronen Parking Lot Norfolk Street ParkLife Parkside Lounge Parkway Lanes Parlor Entertainment Parsons School of Design, 2008 Fashions Part Expo Brooklyn Partners & Spade Party Bikes Pas de Deux Pascack 6 Pashnia Passenger Bar Passenger Ship Terminal Piers 90/92/88 Patricia Field Patron of the New Paul Frank for Andy Warhol Paul Labrecque Salon & Spa Paul Stuart Pavilion Park Slope PAWS NY Paws Truly Pay to shop? PDT (Please Don't Tell) Peachfrog Peachy's Pearl River Mart (No.1) Pearl River Mart (No.2) Pearl Studios NYC Pearl Theatre Company Pearl's Social & Billy Club Peggy O'Neill's Pegu Club Pelham Bay Park Pelham Bit Stables/ Bronx Equestrian Center Pelham Picture House Pema New York Pen-Top Bar & Terrace Peninsula Spa Penn Plaza Pavilion Penn Station Penthouse 760 Penthouse 808 Penthouse 808 NYC Penthouse Executive Club People's Improv Theater Peoples Improv Theater Pera SoHo Performance Space 122 Pershing Square Signature Center Personal Affairs PERSONNEL of New York Pete's Candy Store Peter B. Lewis Theater Peter McManus Peter Norton Symphony Space Petticoat Lane Phantom Audio PhD at Dream PhD Terrace Philip Coltoff Center Phillips Phoenix Phoenix Park Phuket Lounge Pianos Pier 1 at Riverside Park Pier 15 Pier 17 Pier 25 Pier 36 Pier 36 Pier 36 New York Pier 4 (58th Street Pier) Pier 40 Pier 45 Pier 46 Pier 54 Pier 55 Pier 60 Pier 62 Pier 81 Pier 90 Pier 94 Pier 96 Pier Glass Pierogi Pierrepont Playground Pig 'n Whistle Pig 'n Whistle on 3rd Pilo Arts Day Spa & Salon Pine Bar & Grill Pine Box Rock Shop Pinetree Lodge Pink Elephant Pink Olive Pinky Otto Pioneer Works Pisces Bar Pixie Market PJ Bricks PJ Carney's West Place Placery Bar Lounge Plaid Plaid Plan B Planet Hollywood Planetesimals Plant Bar Play by Play play:groundNYC Playboy Club New York Playdrome Bowling Center Playdrome Roosevelt Lanes Playground for All Children Playhouse 46 Playland Amusement Park PLayroom Playstation Theater Plenty's Paradise Plunge Rooftop Bar and Lounge Plymouth Church of the Pilgrims PM PNC Arts Center Pocket Pooches NYC Pocket Pooches NYC Pocono Biking Poe Park Market Polar Polar Rink at American Museum of Natural History Polly Esther's Pomegranate Pompeii Flea Market Pookie & Sebastian Popover Plums Poppy Porch Porchlight Bar by Danny Meyer Porky's East Porky's NYC Port 41 Port 41 Bikini Bar Port Authority Green Market Port d’Or PortraitBug Posies Posman Books Posman Books Posman Books Posteritati Potion Lounge Pound Ridge Golf Club Pouring Ribbons Powerhouse Arena PR Store Prana Brooklyn Wellness Pranna Precious Metal Precision Photos Press Lounge at Ink48 Prestige Barbers New York Pretty Inside Primary Stages Studios Prime Nightclub Prince George Ballroom Priroda Producer's Club Theaters Professional Children's School Professor Thom's Proletariat Pronovias Proof Prospect Park Prospect Park Bandshell Prospect Park Zoo Providence Providence Atlantic City Provincetown Playhouse Provocateur Prudential Center Prudential Recreation Corporation PSC PTC Performance Space Public Art Fund Public Assembly Puck Building Puck Fair Puerto Rican Traveling Theatre Pure Pure Lounge Puring Ribbons Purlieu Pylones Pyramid Club Q Lounge Q-Zar QED Quad Cinema Quarter Bar Qube Queen City Jackson Triplex Queen City Ridgewood Theatre Queen of Hearts Queen Sofia Spanish Institute Queen's Center Mall Queens Queens County Farm Museum Queens Drive-In at New York Hall of Science Queens Flushing Library Queens Museum of Art Queens Theatre Queens Theatre in the Park Queens Village Flea Market Queens Zoo Queensbridge Park Queensbridge Park QUEST Quest Book Shop Quinn's Irish Pub R Bar R Lounge R'A'R Bar R17 Rab's Country Lanes Rad Pad Radiance Aesthetics & Wellness Radio City Music Hall Rag & Bone Rags-A-Go-Go Rails Soho Rain Africa Rainbows and Triangles Raine Lounge Raines Law Room Raised by Wolves Rambling House Ramsey and Jade Randall's Island Park Random Accessories Rare Olive Lounge Rare View Rare View at Fashion 26 RARE View Rooftop Rasputin Rattle N Hum Rattlestick Playwrights Theater Raul Peñaranda Rauschenberg Studios Raven's Head Public House Raw Space Ray's RC Dugans RdV Rebar Rebecca Taylor Rebel Rebel NYC REBNY Mendik Education Center Rebound Reception Bar Recreation Rector Park Red & Black Red Blazer Red Bull Arena Red Caboose Red Door Salon & Spa Red Door Salon & Spa Red Eye NY Red Hook Red Hook Bait and Tackle Red Lion Red Pearl Red Rock West Saloon Red Scare: How Safe Is Your Seafood Red Star Sports Bar & Restaurant Reebok CrossFit Fifth Avenue Gym Reebok Sports Club Reece Galleries Reflections Center for Conscious Living & Yoga Reformation Reformation 500 Regal Battery Park Stadium 16 Regal New Roc City Stadium 18 Regal Union Square Stadium 14 Rehab REI SoHo Reiss Remy Lounge Renaissance Cigar Emporium Renew Repeat Performance Thrift Shop Replay Reposed NY Resevoir Retox Rock Bar Reunion Surf Bar Revealed: The Hunt for Bin Laden at 9/11 Museum Revival Revolution Rex Manor Catering Hall RFTP Rhythm and Brews Rialto Arts Cinema - Ridgefield Park Richard J Codey Arena Richard York Gallery Richer Farm Inc. Richmond County Bank Ballpark Richmond Shepard Theatre Richmondtown Branch, New York Public Library Riff Raff's Rififi Rime Rink Bar RIOULT Dance NY Ripley's Believe It Or Not Ripley-Grier Studios RiseNY Riverbank State Park Riverdale Equestrian Centre Riverdale Temple Riverside Park Riviera Cafe and Sports Bar RJ Daniels RJ Daniels Roam Robert F. Wagner Jr. Park Robert Moss Theater at 440 Studios Robicelli's Gourmet Market Roche Bobois Paris Rock Candy ROCK STAR CRYSTALS Rockaway Artist Alliance Gallery Rockaway Beach Rockefeller Center Rockefeller Center Ice Skating Rink Rockefeller Center Market Rockefeller Park Rocketship Rocking Horse Rockwood Music Hall Rodeo Bar Roger & Dave Rogue & Canon RokkCity Rokkcity Ron Hamilton Ronnie's Luxury Transportation Service Ronnie's Luxury Transportation Service Roof at Park South Roof Garden Cafe Rooftop 760 Room Service Roosevelt Field 8 Roosevelt Hotel Rose Nagelberg Theater at Baruch College Rose Theater Rose Theater Rose's Turn Roseland Ballroom Rosette Roslyn limousine Rothko Rothmann's Rough Trade NYC Roulette Rowf Roy Arias Dance Studio Roy Arias Theater Center Roy Wilkins Park Royal Family Performing Arts Space RSVP Rubber Monkey Rubie's Costume Company Rubin Museum of Art Ruby Falls Rucker Park Rudy’s Bar & Grill Rue St. Denis Clothier Rumsey Playfield Runway Rush Tapas Bar Russian Baths of NY Rutgers Presbyterian Church Ryan's Daughter Ryan's Irish Pub Rye House S.O.B.'s Sabon Sac's Place Sadick Dermatology Sage Theater Sail NYC Saint Ignatius of Antioch Saint Mary's Park Saint Peter's Church Saint Peter's Church Saint Thomas Saint Thomas Church Saint Vitus SakaMai Sake Bar Hagi Saks Fifth Avenue Sal's Comedy Hole Salon de Lafayette Salon De Ning Saloon Salvation Army Thrift Store 1 Salvation Army Thrift Store 2 Salvation Army Thrift Store 3 Salvation Army Thrift Store 4 Salvation Army Thrift Store 5 Salvation Army Thrift Store 6 Salvation Army Thrift Store 7 Salvation Taco Rooftop Bar Salvatore Capezio Theater Salvatore Ferragamo Sam & Seb Samples for (Eco)mpassion Sanatorium Sanctum Sandwire Sanger Hall Sanrio - Hello Kitty Store Santos Party House Santos Party House Sapphire Sapphire Sapphire Lounge Sara Sardi's Satalla Satva Satya Jewelry Savalas Savvy & Co. SBNY Splash Bar New York SBR Multi-Sports Bike Shop Scandinavia House Schiller's Liquor Bar Schimmel Center Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture School School of Visual Arts Theatre Scotch & Soda Scott J Zevon MD, FACS Scott J Zevon MD, FACS Scotts Flowers NYC Scratcher Screaming Mimi's Scruffy Duffy's Scruffy Duffy's Scuba Network Sean Kelly Gallery Seaport Antique Market Seaside Summer Concert Series Seaside Summer Concert Series FREE! Second on Second Second Time Around Thrift Shop Secrets Seeing Place Theater Select Office Suites Select Office Suites Self Edge Selima Optique Sequoia's Serena Sereneco Sessa Session 73 Seven Bar & Grill Seven World Trade Center Seventh Regiment Armory Seward Park Seyrig Shag Shapeshifter Lab Shea Stadium Shea Stadium Shea Stadium BK Shears, Hustle & Blow (Ricky's E Village) Shears, Hustle & Blow (Ricky's SoHo) Shecky's Shop Sheen Center Sheherazade Shell Lanes INC Shelly Steffee Sheltering Arms Sheraton Hotel & Towers Sheraton Tribeca Sheri's Vintage Collections Shibui Shine Ship of Fools Shop SHOPIFY NY Shorty's Shoshanna Show Show Night Club SHOWFIELDS Showman's Showmans Shrine World Music Venue Shubert Alley Siberia Bar Sid Gold’s Request Room sidebar Sideshows by the Seashore Sidewalk Cafe Sidney Mishkin Gallery (Baruch College) Signature Theatre Sikkema Jenkins & Company Silent Barn Silk Road Mocha Cafe Silver Lining Sin-e Sinatra Park Singl Singlecut Beersmiths Sirovich Thrift Shop Sit Down New York Six Flags Great Adventure Sixth Sense NYC Skate Key Skate Park Skateboarding School Ski Bar Skirball Center for the Performing Arts Sky Room Sky Windows & Doors Skybox Bar & Grill Skydrive Skylark Bar Skyport Marina SL Lounge Slainte Bar & Lounge Slake NYC Slane Slate SLC Conference Center Sleep Slipper Room Sly Fox Inn Smack Mellon Smalls Smoke Smyth Media Group Snapple Theater Center Snippy's Snitch Snug Harbor Cultural Center Soapology Sobral Soccer Tavern Social Social Club Social Drink and Food at Yotel Social Eatz Socialista Society Billiards & Bar Socrates Sculpture Park Sofia's Sofrito Sofrito SoHo 323 Soho Dance Studio Soho Grand Lounge SoHo Holiday Shop Soho House New York SoHo Partnership SoHo Playhouse Soho Satellite Soiree Soju Restaurant & Lounge Solar 1 Solavanity Solberg Airport Son Cubano Sonnet Theatre in the Producer's Club Sony Wonder Technology Lab Sophia Eugene Sophie’s SoulCycle Union Square Sound Fix South Beach South Cove South Oxford Space South Street Seaport South Street Seaport Market South Street Seaport Museum South Village Market Southampton Historical Museum Southern Hospitality Southold Social Southpaw Southside Spa Spa 88 Spa at Mandarin Oriental Space Space Ibiza NYC Space on White Spacial, Etc. Spaghetti Western Spanish Benevolent Society SPCARBON Bicycles Spec Spence-Chapin Thrift Shop Spiegel SPiN New York Spirit Spirit Cruises Spirit of New York Cruises spit&vigor theatre company Splash Bar Spoon Theater Spoonbill & Sugartown Booksellers Sports Club LA Sports Museum of America Spotlight Live Spring Lounge Spring Lounge Springfield Park Spritz Nomad Spur Tree Spuyten Duyvil Branch Spy Spyglass Rooftop Bar at the Archer Hotel St Coud at The Knickerbocker St Ends St Francis College St George's Vintage Furniture Shop St Mazie St Nicholas Park St Paul's Chapel St Peter's Church in Chelsea St Philip's Episcopal Church St. Andrews St. Ann's Square St. Bartholomew's Church St. Catherine of Sienna Church St. Cloud Rooftop St. Columba St. George Branch, New York Public Library St. George Market St. George Theatre St. George's Thrift Shop 1 St. George's Thrift Shop 2 St. Ignatius of Antioch Church St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church St. John's Lutheran Church St. Luke's Theatre St. Mark's Church Market St. Mark's Music Bar St. Mark’s Bookshop St. Mark’s Church St. Mary's Park St. Michael's Recital Hall St. Nicholas Ave. Stage St. Nick's Pub St. Patrick's Cathedral St. Paul German Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul's Upstairs Theater St. Peter's Church St. Petersburg Art Glass Studio St. Rose of Lima School Stack's Tavern Stack's Tavern Stage 48 Stage Left Studio Stan's Sports Bar Stand Up New York Comedy Club Standings Star Lounge Star Lounge Star Magic Star Magic II Star Nightclub STAR Program at SUNY Downstate StarBar Starland Ballroom Starlight Stars & Stripes Proshop Stash Staten Island Staten Island Botanical Gardens Staten Island Mall Staten Island Museum Staten Island War Memorial Ice Skating Rink Staten Island War Memorial Ice Skating Rink Staten Island Zoo Station Cafe Station Studios NYC Vibration & Spa Statue of Liberty Statue of Liberty Museum Stay Gold Stella McCartney Steps Stereo Sterling Place Steve's Flower Shop Steven Alan Steven Kasher Gallery Stinky & Minky Stir Stitch Bar & Lounge STK meatpacking STK Midtown Stock Vintage Stone and Mill Streets, Stone Creek Bar & Lounge Stone Flower Stone Fox Bride Stone Pony Stone Rose Lounge Stone Street Tavern STORY Stout Stranger's Gate Market Strata Strawberry Sports Grill Strawberry's Bakery Bar & Grill Strawberry's Sports Grill Streit's Matzo Strike Zone Bar Strut Studio 26 Studio 353 Studio 4 Studio 450 Studio 54 Studio 580 Studio 660 Studio B Studio Museum Studio Square Studio Vendome Studios 353 Stuyvesant Cove Park Stuyvesant Square Thrift Shop Sub-Zero/Wolf Showroom Subdivision Subject Submercer Subway Inn Suffolk Arms Sugar Monk Sugar Night Club Sugarcane Sui Suite 16 Suite 36 Sullivan Hall Sullivan Hall Sullivan Room SummerStage Summit Bar Summit Quad Theatres Sun Roof Sunny's Bar Sunnyside Center Cinema Sunnyside Queens Market Sunrise Multiplex Cinemas Sunset Beach Sunset Park Sunset Park Market Super Bowl Parties Super Suppers Super Suppers Superdive Superior Market/Beer World Supreme Trading Surf Club Surreal Estate SusanSez NYC Walkabouts Sustainable NYC Sustainable-nyc Sutra Suzie Wong SVA Theatre Swallow Swatch Swatch II Swatch III Sway Sweet Afton Sweet Caroline's Sweet Carolines Dueling Piano Bar Sweet Paradise Lounge Sweet Rhythm Sweet Treats for Warby Parker’s NYC Shoppers at Le Sweet William Sweetwater Social Swift's Hibernian Lounge Swim Barge Swing 46 Swing Concept Shop Swiss Institute Sycamore Sycamore Symphony Space Symphony Space Symphony Space's Leonard Nimoy Thalia Syrup Room System S’Zen T-Mobile Signature Store T. Schreiber Studio and Theatre T. Schreiber Studio/Gloria Maddox Theatre T.G. Whitney's T.G. Whitney's TACT Studios Tada Theater Tada! Youth Theater Tah-Poozie Taj II Taj Lounge Takashimaya Talia's Steakhouse & Bar Talia's Steakhouse & Bar Tamar International Passport and Visa Services Tamar International Passport and Visa Services Tamboril Lounge Tammany Hall Tandem Tao Tap Bar Tapis Rouge Taqwa Community Farm Tato Laviera Theatre Taughannock Aviation Corp Tavern on the Green Tavern18 TBD TD Bank té casan Tea Around Town Tea Lounge Teatro Circulo Teatro IATI Teatro Latea Teatro SEA at the Clemente Technogics Inc Technology System Integrator Ted Moudis Associates Teddy Teddy Boy Temple Bar Temple Emanu-El Temptu Tenement Museum Tenjune Tenjune Tenri Cultural Institute of New York Tenth Rail Tequila Park Taqueria Terminal 5 Terra Blues Terrain Gallery Terroir EVil TeTTe Club Thai Privilege Spa Thalia Book Club The The 1896 Studios & Stages The 4th St. Photo Gallery
The 7th Regiment Armory The Acheron The Acorn Theatre The Actors Fund Arts Center The Actors Temple Theater The Actors Theatre Workshop The Actors' Temple The Ailey Citigroup Theater The Ainsworth - Midtown The Alchemical Theatre Laboratory The Alibi The Allen Room The Altman Building The America's Society The American Airlines Theater The Americano The Anchor The Anchor’s Bend The Annex The Apartment The Apollo Theater The Apple Store The Armory The Attic Rooftop The Attic Rooftop & Lounge The Aviary The Back Martini Lounge The Back Room The Ballfields The Banshee Pub The Bar at the Lambs Club The Bar Downstairs at the Andaz The Barrow Group TBG Theatre The Beagle The Bear Bar The Beard House The Bearded Lady The Beatrice Inn The Belgian Room The Belgrade The Bell House The Bennett The Bernie Wohl Center The Big Easy The Big Kahuna Huntington The Big Screen Plaza The Biltmore Room THE BLACK LODGE The Black Rose The Blond The Blond The Blue Bar The Bookmark Shoppe The Bowery Electric The Bowery Electric The Bowery Poetry Club The Bowery Rooftop The Box The Brick The Brick The Brick Theater The Brick Theater The Broadway Comedy Club The Broken Kilometer The Brooklyn Homeshow The Brooklyn Kitchen The Brooklyn Kitchen The Brooklyneer The Bryant Park Holiday Market The Cabinet Bar The Cajun The Campbell The Campbell Apartment The Cave at St. George's Church The Celebration of Whimsy the cell The Center at West Park The Central Bar The Centre for Avian & Exotic Medicine The Chandelier Room The Chapel of St. Bart's Church The Chocolate Room The Church of Saint Mary the Virgin The Church of St. Catherine of Sienna The Church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary The Church of the Epiphany The Church of the Holy Innocents The City Don't Sleep The City Quilter The City Reliquary The Classon The Cloisters The Cock The Coliseum The Collapsable Hole The Columbus Circle Holiday Market The Columbus Club The Comedy Garden The Commons The Concert Hall The Conference House The Connelly Theater The Cortland The Cosmo boat The Counter Times Square The Cove The Creek The Creek The Creek & The Cave The Croton Lounge The Crowne Theatre in the Producer's Club The Cube @ Astor Place The Cupping room Cafe The Cutting Room The D-Lounge The Daisy The Darby Downstairs The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog The Dean NYC The Delancey The Delancey The Diamond The Disney Store - 42nd. St. The Disney Store - Columbus Ave. The District The DL The Dockside The Dockside Cafe THE DOG HOUSE The Donnell Central Children's Room The Dorothy Strelsin Theatre The Dorothy Strelsin Theatre The Double 7 The DRAMA BOOK SHOP, Inc. The Drawing Room The Dressing Room The Drilling Company The Drink The Duke on 42nd Street The Duplex The Eagle The Ear Inn The Earth Room The East Corner Company The East Village Playhouse The Edge The Electric Room The Elektra Theater The Empire Hotel The Encore The Exley The Experimental Cocktail Club The Factory 380 The Family Jewels The Farm Theater The FiDi Party Bus The Fitz The Flat The Flatiron Room The Flea The Flea Theater The Four-Faced Liar The Fourth The Fragrance Shop New York The Freeman Studio The French Culinary Institute The Frick Collection The Full Shilling The Fulton Grand The Future Perfect The Gallery Players The Gallery Playesx The Gansevoort Park Hotel The Garage The Garret The Garret Nolita The Gaslight The Gate The Gates The Gates The Gene Frankel Theater The Gerald W. Lynch Theater The Gibson The Gin Palace The Girl from Ipanema The Globe The Gold Room at Lotte New York Palace The Golf Club at Chelsea Piers The Good Life The Grace Hotel (DIP Aquabar and Lounge) The Graham Studio Theater at Westbeth The Gramercy Theatre The Grand The Grand Army The Great Hall at St. Jean Baptiste Community Cent The Great Hall Balcony Bar The Great Hall, Cooper Union The Greats of Craft The Green Room at 45 Bleecker The Green-Wood Cemetery The Gutter The Gym at Judson New York The Haberdasher The Hall at MP The Hanger The Harmonie Club The Harmony The Harp Bar The Hass Company The Hat Shop The Haven at the Sanctuary The Headliner The Heights The Heights Bar & Grill The Herbert & Eileen Bernard Museum of Judaica The Hideout The High Line The Highline The Hill The Hook The Hotel QT The Hunt Slonem Studio The Huron Club The Hurricane Club The Immaculate Conception Center The Institue of Culinary Education (ICE) The Invisible Enemy The Irish Pub The Irish Times The Jake Walk The Jane The Jazz Gallery The Jewel Yacht The Jewish Museum The Johnsons The Joshua Tree The Julliard School The Kew Club The Kings Bay Y at North Williamsburg The Kingsland Tavern The Korea Society The Kraine Theater The Laba Theater at 14th Street Y The Lafayette Street Theater The Lenox Lounge The Leonora The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community The Levi's Store The Liberty The Liederkranz Club The Limerick House The Limited The Lion Theatre The Lion Theatre The Living Room The living Room Lounge The Living Theatre The London Bar The Lookup The Lounge at Aspen The Mac Support Store The Mandarin Oriental Hotel The Manhattan Movement and Arts Center The Manor The Market NYC The Market NYC The Maxiga Store The Mean Fiddler The Met Breuer The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Mezzanine Spa The Midtown Theater The Mockingbird The Monkey The Monster The Moonlight Mile The Morgan Library The Morgan Library & Museum The Murder Mystery Company in NYC The Muse The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology The Museum of Mathematics The Museum of Modern Art The Narrows The National Opera America Center The New Festival, Inc. The New Ohio THeater The New School The New School for Drama The New Theater at 45th Street The New York Hilton The New York Look The New York Police Museum The New York Times Building The New Yorker Social Club The Newark Museum The Noguchi Museum The NoMad Bar The NSD Theater The Nuyorican Poets Cafe The Old American Can Factory The Old Stone House The Oracle Club The Orchard Room The Pace Gallery The Palace Hotel The Paley Center for Media The Panther Room The Paper Box The Paradise Factory The Paramount Theatre The Park The Park Avenue Armory The Park Lounge The Parkside School PS130 The People's Improv Theater The Peoples Improv Theater The Pierre The PIT Loft The PIT LOFT The Players The Players Theatre The Playroom Theater The Playroom Theater The Playroom Theatre The Playwright The Plaza Hotel The Plumm The Pocantico Center The Poetry Brothel The Polynesian The Pond at Bryant Park The Pony The Pool at Harrahs The Pooldeck at the Empire Hotel The Presbyterian Church of White Plains The Prince George Ballroom The Producer's Club The Public Theater The Puck Building The Puma Store The Punch Bowl The Rat NYC The Red District The Red Gate Garden The Renaissance Charter School The Reprise Room at Dillon's The Richmond Shepard Theater The Richmond Shepard Theater The Rink at Rockefeller Center The Ritz-Carlton, Tysons Corner The Riverside Church The Riverside Theater The Riverside Theatre The Riverview Restaurant The Rockwell Place The Rooftop at Edison Ballroom The Rooftop at Selina Chelsea The Rooftop at Selina Chelsea The Room Mate Grace Hotel The Roosevelt Hotel The Rose The Roxy The Roy Arias Payan Theater The Royal Basket Company The Royal Underground The Rum House The Russian Arts Theater & Studio The Russian Arts Theater and Studio The Rusty Knot The Sag Harbor Hampton House The Sage Theater The Sahaja Yoga Center of New York The Saint Austere The Salty Dog The Salty Paw The Sanctuary Hotel The Sanctuary Space at the Center at West Park The Scarlet The Schaeberle Studio Theatre The School of American Ballet The Second City The Secret Theatre The Seeing Place The Seeing Place @ The Clarion Theatre The Shake Shake The Shape of Lies The Sharing Place The Shark Bar The Sharper Image - 57th Street The Sharper Image - Madison Ave. The Sheen Center The Shoe Box The Shops at Atlas Park The Sidewalk Café The Signature Theatre - Peter Norton Space The Skylark The Skylight Room at Danny's Grand Sea Palace The Skyscraper Museum The Slipper Room The Sony Building The Sony Store The Space The Sporting Club The Springs The Stag's Head The Stand Comedy Club & Restaurant The Starting Line The Stellan The Stephen Talkhouse The Stolen Sleeves Collective The Stonewall Inn The Strand The Studio Museum in Harlem The Stumble Inn (The East Wing) The Styleliner The Subway The Sultan Room The Supper Club The Surf Lodge The Surrey The Synagogue The TAI Group The TAI Group The Tangled Vine Wine Bar & Kitchen The Tank The Tank The Tato Laviera Theatre The Temptress The Terrace at Sutton Place Bar and Rest. The Theater at Madison Square Garden The Theater at the 14th Street Y The Theater at the 14th Street Y The Third Man The Thirsty Turtle The Thrift Shop The Tiny Cupboard The Town Crier The Town Hall The Town Tavern The Transit Museum Gift Shop The Trilby The Tunnel The Two Boots Pioneer Theater The Two Boots Pioneer Theater The Umbrella Factory The Unity Center The Upper Rust The Upright Citizens Brigade Theater The Vault at Pfaff's The Village Scandal The Vinyl House of Cocktails The Wagner Houses Market The Water Tower Nightclub & Lounge The Watermark at Brooklyn Heights The Way Station The Way Station The Well The Wellmont Theatre The Wesley The West End The Westway The Wick The Wild Project The Williamsburg Hotel The Windsor The Woo Woo NYC The Woods The Woodser The Workshop Theatre The World Comedy and Improv The World Famous Laugh Factory The World School The Zephyr The Zipper Factory Theater 3 Theater at Blessed Sacrament Theater Bar Theater For The New City Theater For The New City Theater Resources Unlimited Theater Three TheaterLab Theatre 54 @ Shetler Studios Theatre 80 Theatre at St. Clement's Theatre Row Theatre Row Theatre Row’s Clurman Theatre Theatre Row’s Kirk Theatre Theatre Row’s Lion Theatre Theatrelab TheCrepe Escape Theory Therapy TheTimesCenter Third and Long Third Avenue Third Avenue Mini-Mall Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson park Thompson LES Three Angels Three Guys from Brooklyn Three Lives & Company Three Lounge Tiffany & Co. Tiki Room Tilit NYC Tilted Kilt Hoboken Tilted Kilt Hoboken Time Out Times Scare Times Square Times Square Times Square Arts Center Times Square Arts Center / Comedy Club Times Square Terrace Tina Tang Jewelry Tini Wine Bar Tip Top Shoe Building Tip-Top Bar & Grill Tipsy Parson Tir Na Nog Tishman Auditorium Tito Murphy's NYC Toast Toast Tobaco Warehouse Tocqueville Tom Ford Tommy Hilfiger Fifth Avenue Tommy's Tavern Tompkins Square Market Tompkins Square Park Tompkins Square Park Tonic Tonic Bar Tony Dapolito Recreation Center Tooker Alley Top of the Standard Topshop Torch Torch and Crown Brewing Company Tortazo Times Square Toshi & Hair Mates Toshi's Rooftop Tottenville Touch Town Stages Townhouse Toys "R" Us Times Square Toys 'R' Us Tracie Martyn Salon Trackstar Tracy Reese Traffic Bar & Restaurant Trailer Park Trans Pecos Transmitter Park Trapeze School New York Trash Trash and Vaudeville Trattoria One Fifth Treadwell Park Treehouse Tretorn Triad Tribal Soundz Tribeca Cinemas Tribeca Film Festival Tribeca Film Institute Tribeca Grand Hotel Tribeca Market Tribeca Performing Arts Center Tribeca Rock Club Tribeca Rooftop Tribeca Social NYC Tribeca Tap House Tribeca Tavern Trinity Church Trinity Place Trinity Pub Triple Diamond Tattoo Triskelion Arts Trixie + Peanut Pet Emporium Trophy Bar Tropix Trouble’s Trust Troy Liquor Bar Trump Tower TSI Tech Support Tucker Square Market Turkey's Nest Tavern TurnStyle Turtle Bay Music School TUTS: Club | Lounge | Restaurant Tutu's Two Boots Williamsburg Two Bridges Neighborhood Council two fifteen Two Kids and a Dog UA 64th And 2nd Gemini UA Battery Park City Stadium 11 UA Brandon Cinemas UA Court Street Stadium 12 UA East UA Kaufman Astoria Stadium 14 UA Midway Stadium 9 UA Sheepshead Bay Stadium 14 UA Westbury Stadium 12 Ubanspace Meatpacking Market UBS Arena UBS Financial Services UCB East Ugallery - Antique Furniture Restoration Ugly Luggage Ukrainian American Cultural Center of NJ Ultimate Gaga Ultra Ulysses' Umbrella Un Chin Uncle Ming's UncommonGoods Under St. Marks Understudy Union Bar Union Course Tavern Union Docs Union Hall Union Pool Union Square Ballroom Union Square Holiday Guide Part II Union Square Market Union Square Park Union Theaters Unitarian Church of Staten Island United Artists Hylan Plaza United Block Assn Community Garden United Community Centers Garden United Nations United Palace Theatre United Skates of America University Settlement/Speyer Hall Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books Until Tomorrow Up and Down Club Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre NY Upstairs at the Kimberly Hotel Uptown Saturday Night Uptown Sports Complex Urban Barley Urban Cove Society & Kitchen Urban Outfitter's - Chelsea Urban Outfitter's - East Village Urban Outfitter's - Nolita Urban Outfitter's - West Village Urban Stages Urban Stages Urban Stages Theater Urban Street Art Urge UrgentWay Bronx UrgentWay Brooklyn UTC Fine Arts Center Valentine's Day Challenges Valhalla Vallarta Tropical Van Cortland Park Van Cortlandt Van Cortlandt Golf Course Van Cortlandt House Museum Van Cortlandt Manor Van Houten Lanes Van Nest Branch Library Van Nest Lanes VANITY NYC Vaucluse Vaute Couture Vega Alta Sports Bar Vendy Awards Ventanas Venue #9: The Players Loft VERAMEAT Veranda Verboten Veruka Vesta Via Victoria Sposa NYC Victory Lanes Lounge Victory Nightclub Victory Restaurant & Lounge Vida Verde View Bar Vilebrequin Villa Villa Marcello Villa Pacri Villa Russo Village Apothecary Village Cigar Village East Cinema Village PourHouse Village Tannery Village Thrift Shop Village Underground Village Vanguard Villain LLC Vince Vincent Smith School Vine Wine Vineyard Theatre Vino Theater Vino-ersity Vino-Versity Vintry Wine & Whiskey Vinyl Mania Violet Pepper Violife offers free election day breakfast Virgil's Real Barbecue Virgin Hotels New York City Virginia's Virtual Vital Joint VITO SCHNABEL PROJECTS VIVA EVE Vodou Bar Voelker Orth Museum Von Kellar Von King Park Von King Park Voorhees Theatre VU Rooftop Bar Vudo Lounge Vue W Hotel Hoboken W83 Wagner Wagner Park Wagner Park WAH Center (Williamsburg Art & Historical Center) Waldorf Astoria Hotel Walk Whitman Theatre Walkerspace Walter Reade Theater Warby Parker Warby Parker Warby Parker Warby Parker Ward III Warehouse Warehouse Wines & Spirits Warm Warren 77 Warsaw Warwick Drive In Washington Commons Washington Irving High School Washington Irving High School Washington Square Arch Washington Square Park Water Lily Spa Waterfront @ Pier 92 Waterfront Ale House Waterfront Ale House Waterlily's Nails and Spa Watermark Bar Waterside Waterstone Grill Wave Hill We Got Company We're Fine at Crystal Lake Weather Up Weather Up Tribeca Webster Hall Weist Barron Studios West 135th St West Brighton West End Theater West End Theatre West Park Church West Park Presbyterian Churh West Shop of the Bridge West Side Comedy Club West Side Community Garden West Side Community Garden Westerleigh Park Westside Loft Westside Theatre What Goes Around Comes Around Where Eagles Dare Where to Eat 2006 Where to Stop After You Shop! Whisk Whisk Whiskey & Wine Off 69 Whiskey Blue Bar Whiskey Cellar Whiskey Soda Lounge NY Whisky Lounge Whisky Soda Lounge Whisky Tango Foxtrot White Horse Tavern White Noise White Star White Star Media WhiteBox Gallery Whitestone Lanes INC Whitestone Multiplex Cinemas Whitewater Challengers Whitman Theatre at Brooklyn College Whitney Museum of American Art Who's on First Whole Foods Whole Foods Beer Room Why Not Jazz Room Wicked Monk Wiggle Room Wildrence William Barnacle Tavern William-Wayne & Co. Williams Center Cinemas 3 Williams Club of New York Williamsburg Art & Historical Center Williamsburg Fashion Weekend Williamsburg Market Williamsburg Music Center Willowbrook Park Windfall Farms Windsor Terrace Market Windy City Ale House Wine Country VIP Tours & Tastings Wingate Field Wink Winnie's Winter Garden Winterland Rink at Pier 17 WiP Wix Lounge Wolfe's Pond Beach Wolfe's Pond Park Wollman Rink (in Central Park) Wollman Rink (in Prospect Park) Wollman Rink at Central Park Wollman Rink at Prospect Park Women in the Arts and Media Coalition, Inc Women's National Republican Club Women's Project Theater Wonderland Woo Lae Oak Woodson and Ford Woodwork Word Working Class WorkShop Theater Company Workshop Theater Jewel Box Workshop Theater Mainstage Workshop Theatre Main Stage World Bar World Financial Center Plaza World Trade Center World Trade Center Transportation Hub Worlds Fair Ice Skating Rink Wowsville WP Theater Write Act Repertory Theatre Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum Wye Bar Wyndham Garden Chinatown X L Bar & Lounge XFINITY Theatre XVI XVI Lounge Yaf Sparkle Yankee Stadium Yankee Stadium Yankee Stadium Market Yankee Tavern Yard House NYC Ye Olde Tripple Inn Yello Restaurant and Bar YLLI Yoga to the People Yoga Village NYC Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center Yossi Milo Gallery Yotel Hotel Young Ethel's Yours Sincerely YoyaMart Yu Yumi Kim Yumi Kim Yves Saint Laurent Yves Saint Laurent Zankel Hall Zanzibar ZBAR and Lounge ZEB'S Zen Zero + Maria Cornejo Zerzura at Gansevoort MPD Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Zinc Bar Zito Gallery Zoomies ZuZu's Petals ZviDance Zwirner & Wirth Gallery