

Photo: Cititour.com

This neighborhood in northern Brooklyn was once known as a center of the Hassidic Jewish community, as well as a center for immigrants of many ethnic groups. In recent years, it gained a reputation for being a thriving art community, and a epicenter of hipness. Many of the artists, musicians, and bohemian-types (as well as those who like to immitate such lifestyles) who might have once settled in Manhattan's Greenwich Village, instead settled in Williamsburg, where the rent on converted warehouses and industrial lofts were more agreeable to the artistic lifestyle.

While artists of many varieties abound in Williamsburg, it's an area most known for its music scene. Many of its venues, like Pete's Candy Store, Tommy's Tavern, and Warsaw attract the same kind of local live music and new bands that might have once appeared in some of Manhattan's music venues. There is also a up-and-coming jazz scene in the area, as well as an ever-changing plethora of experimental sounds and styles.

One of the biggest destinations is Smorgasburg, an open-air food court joining some of the tastiest food vendors from across the city.

Williamsburg is a young area, full of fads, fashion, and students and artists who live very similar avant garde lifestyles. While the coolhunters and early trendsetters have already moved on from this neighborhood to other places, Williamsburg continues to attract young people craving creativity and a like-minded artistic community. Williamsburg has an abundance of bars, clubs, and galleries and is easily accessible from New York on the L train.

Molly O'Neill
