The Citiblog

A World Famous Panhandler?
October 23, 2005, 10:24.58 am ET


I'll be honest I'm not a big fan of panhandlers on the subway. I rarely give because I feel it promotes a sort of in-your-face behavior that public places, particularly closed-in places like the subway, could do without.

But once in a while you come across raw talent that makes you take notice... and in some cases stops you right in your tracks.

This happened to me last Friday on the F train. I was traveling from 34th street to 14th street when all I heard was a single note... a beautiful note that resonated and filled the subway car and had all of the passengers looking for its source. One note turned into another and a melody arose. It was an opera. Now, I'm not a musician or an opera buff, but even I found myself not only impressed but wanting to know the source of such beautiful music. Emerging from the crowd was a petite woman with pulled back brown hair and a voice from the heavens. She not only generated applause, but a standing ovation. The woman next to me blurted out a single word - "wow."

And all I can say about this mystery singer too is "wow!"

If you have a comment or know who this woman is email us at
