The Citiblog

Choose Love Opens Pop-Up at Rock Center to Aid Those in Need
December 1, 2023, 1:12.20 pm ET



Choose Love has set up a storefront in the concourse of Rockefeller Center. While the store has merchandise on shelves, the goal is to donate it to someone in need. With operations in the U.S. and the U.K., Choose Love has raised more than $120 million dollars for refugees in 41 countries.

From the conflict in the Middle East to natural disasters, Choose Love raises funds for much needed supplies. The organization says the goal is to provide humanitarian aid that is fast, flexible, transparent and accountable.

For example, a $35 dollar donation can help provide tents and emergency housing to keep people safe; a $25 donation can be used to provide waterproof shoes and thick socks to prevent frostbite and hypothermia.

The storefront at Rockefeller Center can be found adjacent to the ice-skating rink and will be open through the end of December. For more information, or to make a donation, visit
