The Citiblog

Is The Village Voice Losing Its Edge?
November 30, 2005, 1:18.07 am ET


I was amazed that when I opened my Village Voice it was loaded with circulars. "Splat" as they all fell to the ground in front of me. There was an inset for Ikea, high-speed bargains from Verizon, a holiday sale at Pearl Paints and a free 90-day trial disk for AOL. I don't remember that ever happening before. I felt like I had opened up a Sunday paper. Maybe they should start placing it in a plastic bag. Or, worse yet maybe it's a sign of things to come. The paper was recently acquired by New Times Media which operates freebies in 17 other markets. My biggest fear is that mainstream advertisers may not like some of the off-color content. Will they try to muzzle Michael Musto? Heaven forbid!

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