The Citiblog

My Visit to Home Depot
November 9, 2005, 10:53.42 pm ET


I finally got around to visiting the Home Depot on 23rd Street in Chelsea. I was in need of a lock and it was too late to find a locksmith. Then, I spotted the orange sign and remembered that a Home Depot actually does exist in Manhattan.

It's unlike any Home Depot I've ever been in. First of all there's a concierge who actually helps customers. For once, you don't have to go aisle to aisle to track someone down. And the person, in this case a young woman, was knowledgeable and polite. The second thing I noticed was that everything is organized, and you're not in fear of your life that you're going to be knocked out by a 2x4. And the checkout line is quick and the staff courteous. At this point, I was simply beyond myself.

Message to Home Depot: Please clone this store! Your customers will thank you.
