The Citiblog

Subway Ride From Hell
October 15, 2005, 12:17.50 am ET


So after eight days of steady rain here in the Northeast, the subways are finally feeling the effects. This morning's commute was a nightmare. Water dripping (or I should say pouring) through parts of the tunnel. On board, things weren't much better. A Q train got stuck at 34th Street and threw everything off. It was stop-and-go, stop-and-go, stop-and-go... you get the point. It took about 15 minutes to go two stops. It felt like eternity. Then, when we finally got to 34th Street, there's an R train sitting across the platform. So, instead of the conductor saying which train was going to leave the station first, we were all playing a game of MTA Russian roulette. Some people running to the other side, others taking their chances on the N train that I was on. Each time an announcement was made people would run from one train to another. This went on for about ten minutes. Some people were so frustrated they simply left. When the trains finally left, the same thing happened at 42nd Street. I opted to walk in the pouring rain to 49th St. It was a milder form of water torture.

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