An American Craftsman

An American Craftsman


Neighborhood: East 60s
Type of Place: Antiques/Crafts

If you're into handmade things then this shop
is right up your alley.

With five locations in New York City, An American Craftsman offers works from between 200 to 300 designers.

In the stores you'll find a wide assortment of handblown glass, including some beautiful ornaments for the Christmas Tree or window.

They also specialize in miniature fountains, wooden puzzle boxes and hand-crafted furniture.

We also spotted some great little fish pins, and glass mermaids.

- Shopper Sam

Calling the fine, artisan-produced items in this shop “crafts” is as deceiving as calling an emerald “just a green rock.” In fact, this store is as much art gallery as it is store! What you’ll find her are one-of-a-kind pieces of art—creations of glass, wood, pottery, and metal, to name a few—that are created by true masters of their craft. Looking around, you’ll be amazed at the high quality, so very different from the mass-produced items in most stores. Looking for a wedding gift that will always be remembered, or a gift for a new home? This is the perfect place to come – and you’ll feel good about supporting the independent American artists whose work you’re buying. – Molly, Summer 2005

An American Craftsman
1222 2nd Ave @ 64th St.
New York, NY 10021
(212) 794-3440

