Beekman Theater

This place is closed permanently.

Beekman Theater


Neighborhood: East 60s
Type of Place: Movie Theaters

One of New York's landmark movie theaters is going black.

The final curtain will come down Sunday, June 29, 2005 on the Beekman Theater. The Beekman gained "icon" status when it was featured in Woody Allen's Oscar-winning film "Annie Hall."

Daily Variety reports the theater operator, Clearview Cinemas, lost its lease and that the leaseholder, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, plans to use it for a breast and imaging center.

A letter writing campaign is being launched to the Landmarks Preservations Commission to try to save the theater, but even the organizers say it appears to be a lost cause.

The final showing will be of "The Interpreter," starring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn.

Beekman Theater
1254 2nd Avenue
New York, NY
(212) 737-2622

