Foie Gras Doggy Biscuits at Bouchon Bakery

Foie Gras Doggy Biscuits at Bouchon Bakery


Neighborhood: West 50s
Type of Place: Pets

The Bouchon Bakery isn't just for people food these days. Just last week, we noticed gourmet doggy biscuits for sale at the counter. And not your run-of-the-mill milkbones. These were foie gras doggy biscuits and we're told they are baked on premesis.

They come in bags of three wrapped with a bit of green baker's string for $7.50 or can be purchased individually. And while they are gourmet, one whiff from the bag and you'll know they are doggy biscuits and not for human consumption. We recommend picking up a chocolate bouchon for yourself!   - Thomas Rafael

Foie Gras Doggy Biscuits at Bouchon Bakery
Bouchon Bakery
10 Columbus Circle (59th St)
New York, NY 10019
(212) 823-9366

