Natalie and Friends

Natalie and Friends


Neighborhood: East 60s
Type of Place: Kids Women's Clothing

If your April showers are of the baby kind, the Upper East Side's
Natalie and Friends will help steer you clear of the
sixth-yellow-blanket-of-the-day gift rut. Nowhere else in my shopping travels have I seen the
mini t-shirt that, from Natalie's window, drew me in off the street: a
simple black top printed with "I [heart] My Gay Uncle" (also available
in "I [heart] My Les Aunt").

Laughing, I walked through Natalie's doors and discovered further
funky/funny treasures: a tie-dyed tank that reads "Peace, Love, and Cartier"
($38.50), for the UES toddler who wants to save the world but also
knows the value of good jewelry; a super-cute set of Alphabet t's ("H is
for Harrison," with an image of George; "K is for King," with an image
of M. L. K.; "C is for Charlie," with an image of Chaplin), $36.50 each;
a onesie that proclaims its wearer "Famous in Japan" ($22.50); MooMe
organic-cotton bibs decorated with images of produce (the peas and the
strawberries are especially appealing), 2 for $18.50. If they work for
your particulars, the "gay uncle" and "les aunt" t's are reasonable at
$22.50, and it's highly likely that the baby won't get six of them.

The owner here is a real-live Natalie who's been in the industry since
1988 and takes pride in offering distinctive wares and encouraging new
designers. (The uncle and aunt t's, by the way, are among her best
sellers.) Check out the shop for some pint-size inspiration; but if your
needs are more traditional, you can also find "standard" outfits,
accessories, diaper bags, shoes, and baby blankets (yes, even yellow ones).   - Pamela Grossman; April 6, 2008

Natalie and Friends
205 East 60th Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 759-9077

