Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Center


Neighborhood: West 40s
Type of Place: Landmarks


Rockefeller Center in Midown is a collection of art deco style buildings conceived as a "city within a city" by John D. Rockefeller in the 1930s.  Today, Rockefeller Center is home to an ice skating ring, numerous restaurants and a concourse filled with an eclectic mix of shops.  Tours are available.  It's also home to the "Top of the Rock" where get panoramic views of New York City and, of course, the annual lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.

For more information on visiting the Top of the Rock observation deck click here 

Rockefeller Center
Bet 49th & 50th Sts and 5th & 6th Aves
New York, NY 10020

