The Strand

The Strand


Neighborhood: Union Square
Type of Place: Books

The Strand advertises itself as 18 miles of books, and, as you can imagine, it’s nearly impossible to walk in here and not find at least one book that will walk out with a new home – on your shelves. The Strand sells new, used, out-of-print, and rare books, and besides selling books to the general public at its two locations (another is near South Street Seaport) and on the internet, The Strand also creates book-related sets for many movies (for example, the office of the mathematics professor in A Beautiful Mind was filled with arcane mathematics and statistics books from The Strand. If you’ve been searching for an elusive book, you may just find it here – consult the staff. A recent redesign of the store did away with what was surely one of New York’s smallest bathrooms, but it opened up a lot more space, much of what seems to be filled with a vast selection of reviewer’s copies – these advance and early versions of books are sold at half the face value and are a great deal. The Strand is busiest on weekends, and on rainy afternoons, it seems like the whole world ducks in to take cover, so the narrow aisles can get frustratingly crowded. You can also sell books at The Strand, but be forewarned that they don’t take everything, and they stop buying books at 6 pm on weekdays. – Molly, September 2005

The Strand
828 Broadway
(@ 12th St.)
New York, NY 10003


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