Two Kids and a Dog

Two Kids and a Dog


Neighborhood: DUMBO
Type of Place: Kids Toys


With Christmas just around the corner, I couldn't help but think how great it would be, if I were a kid, finding a gift under the tree from Two Kids and a Dog in DUMBO.  It's actually a collection of shops, some filled with clothing and children's furniture, while others are loaded with hard-to-find toys and stuffed animals.

Some toys catching my eye included a kid-sized Tee-Pee that proclaims "in your village, you're the chief" and a Marshmallow Target, similar to a Nerf toy.  It makes four different sounds when hit with marshmallows.  Magformers, a play on Transformers, uses magnetic construction blocks to build lots of neat things including toy cars.  The makers say it can stimulate brain development.  I'm not sure about that, but it did look very stimulating nonetheless.

We also spotted something called Frog Wobble, a game that comes with eight teeter-tottering amphibians, a very desirable (and driveable) candy apple red, retro fire truck made by Jet Flow that any kid would love, and Brio race cars that would make great stocking stuffers.  The shop also sells Kinetic Sand that mimics the real thing, and Human Anatomy kits, including a skeleton and heart with parts that may be a bit too lifelike.

Two Kids and a Dog is a great spot to add to your holiday gift-buying list.  But you may want to leave the kids at home or risk a monster of a bill.

  - J. Lin

Two Kids and a Dog
65 Pearl St
(Water St & Front St)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(646) 342-4549


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