Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books

Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books


Neighborhood: West Village
Type of Place: Books

Heading to the beach? You'll be needing a beach read. Visiting friends out of town? You'll be looking for a gift to bring along.

In both of these endeavors, Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books can come to your aid. And in these days of layoffs coupled with escalating bills (yikes), the shop's great prices will be a real help. The stock here tends to be a little off the beaten track, but you should be able to find something that suits your needs.

Music-loving friends will appreciate the hefty art book "Once There Was a Way," lovely photos of the Beatles early years taken by Harry Benson, priced at an amazing $13; and art lovers will enjoy Elizabeth Partridge's "Restless Spirit: The Life and Work of Dorothea Lange" ($6.75--wow). For your own reading, you can catch up on the classics: Hemmingway's "A Farewell to Arms," for example, is $6; Alice Walker's collected poems is $6. And to learn more about a classic author and a classic recluse, "Salinger: A Biography," by Paul Alexander, is $8. Then there's Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter," sold with a DVD of the 1934 film version and a great deal at $7; read now, watch in the fall!

If you're still working out your vacation plans, the travel section here can help. Selected Moon Handbooks, for example, are available: NY State, $7.50; Connecticut, $4.50; and if you're feeling extra adventurous, Cuba, $6. There's also a decent kids' section (I especially liked the Curious George section).

At the check-out, I was amused by t-shirts reading "Stop Bitching" ($9). Not sure who these would be best for (parents on vacation with their teenagers, perhaps?), but just want you to know that they're available.

However, random complaints should fall to a minimum in the presence of good books and thoughtful gifts. Enjoy your travels!
  - Pamela Grossman; Aug 24, 2008

Unoppressive Non-Imperialist Bargain Books
34 Carmine St
New York, NY 10014
(212) 229-0079

