Valentine's Day Challenges

Valentine's Day Challenges


Type of Place: Gift Shops

It's that time of year--paper hearts are everywhere, florists are staffing up for a big day, and you're wondering how to face some of Valentine's Day's challenges with maximum grace. Never fear; these tips will help you find a gift that says what you want it to say, with style and flair.

Q: I'm in a fairly new relationship. We're past the point where we can just ignore Valentine's Day, but we're not in "serious gift" territory. What can I get him/her that will not bring the relationship to a crashing halt?

A: Ah, an age-old question, and one of the trickiest in the realm of gift-giving. You want to be creative here but not overly weird; personal but not too intimate; practical but, God knows, not so much so that you're known ever after as "The moron who got me dish sponges for Valentine's Day."

Luckily, you have options. Exit 9 has a great range of possibilities, some of which fit well into the sought-after safe-with-a-sense-of-humor category (witty fridge magnets; cheeky soaps; a most excellent book presenting pop-song lyrics as poetry). For more established couples, there are naughtier choices, like a book of X-rated knitting ideas and racy (but not sleazy) underwear. This shop is a good first stop for what you're trying to find.

At Arcadia, you've got to ask a question: Am I pretty sure this relationship is going to get physical? If you are, or it already has, one of the lovely candles here will be a good idea. A special candle (*not* a generic one from a Super Store--never that!) from someone you've recently started sleeping with, or want to be sleeping with, is generally welcome. Be advised, though, that if the relationship has been around a while, a candle can be seen as a default gift, displaying not much thought, and should be given in addition to other less commonly given items. And if the giftee in question hasn't decided they want to sleep with you, and you give a candle, that could tip things against you somewhat, as it may appear you are jumping the gun. If all this is too much to think about, go for Arcadia's chocolate--it's organic, it's good, and it's affordable enough that you can pick up a selection.

Q: I'm dating an artist. Help, please.

A: Ah, yes. Charming and insightful company as artists can be, they can certainly present gift problems if you are not an artist yourself. (And if you are, dual-artist couples have their own problems.) Independent and noncorporate are usually the keys here. Some ideas: McNally Robinson is a lovely indie bookstore with a great selection of lesser-known treasures. Sound Fix is a terrific record store with interesting choices, and you can visit the coffee shop adjascent to it as part of a date. And the blown glass at Swallow just might blow your art-loving sweetheart away. (As for the card, a homemade creation will probably be most appreciated.)

Q) I need a dress for Valentine's dinner.

A) OK. As with Arcadia, the answer here depends somewhat on what will happen after dinner. If you're interested in your date being present when you take the dress off for the night, the flirty and fun creations from Betsey Johnson are always good ideas. If you're not sure, but you want to look cute in any case, check out the dresses at Darling, which range from But-we've-just-met ladylike to Vixen-ready.

Q) What about my child? I don't want to give little Scarlet or Stephen more sugar.

A) Holidays are rough times for parents to control the flow of sweets into their little one's mouths. But at Dinosaur Hill, the gifts are so lovely that little Aiden or Annabelle won't mind not being able to eat them. Fairy puppets with sheer wings, all manner of puzzles and dolls...the gift little Cara or Casey has dreamed of may well be here.

Q) Uh-oh. I need a last-minute Valentine's gift.

A) It happens. And when it does, you'll be glad to find the way-delish soaps at Sabon, which smell great and which the shop wraps beautifully. Some of the scents are feminine, but you can find choices for guys as well. The shop staff is helpful and cheerful, ready to answer questions you might have. You'll look like you shopped in advance when you didn't.

Bottom line: Go with your gut (unless your gut says "generic Super Store candle" or "dish sponges"). Seriously, if you're giving from the heart, you're unlikely to go very wrong. Happy Valentine's Day!   - Pamela Grossman; Feb 5, 2007

Valentine's Day Challenges
NYC citywide, NY

