Whole Foods

Whole Foods

Photo: Cititour.com

Type of Place: Gourmet Shops

Whole Foods
Off To A Healthy Start

When Whole Foods opened its doors
on Seventh Avenue and 25th Street in the Chelsea section of Manhattan, it opened up a "whole" new world for New York shoppers.
With more and more Americans eating healthy, Whole Foods wasn't surprised when 4,000 people packed its supermarket aisles opening day, a record turnout for a store opening, according to company officials. Whole Foods, headquarted in Austin, Texas, currently operates 18 supermarkets in the Northeast, including its first now in New York.
So why Chelsea? "This is a happening section of the city," said Stephen Hengst, Marketing Team Leader for the new location. "There's so much growth here and the demographics fit what we're all about."

The new location boasts 37,000 square feet filled with natural and organic products. "Where going after the health conscious shopper," said Hengst who added, most shoppers were impressed with the prices compared with other supermarkets in the area.
A check of the supermarket aisles did find some bargains; including organic strawberries at $1.98 a pint, while two pounds of loose organic carrots were selling for a buck. Then there were some hard-to-find items like rubbery looking Woodwear mushrooms ($11.98 lb.) and Hedgehog mushrooms ($17.98 lb.).

The store also offers a huge selection of fresh breads, baked goods and candies. We did find some of those prices to be a bit steep. A small French Apple tart, for instance, went for $4.50, while miniature chocolate coffee cups (above) cost $7.00 apiece.

You'll also find a nice selection of natural meats and poultry, freshly ground coffee and cheeses, as well as a beautiful assortment of freshly cut and potted flowers which greet you at the door.

Separate from the supermarket is the company's Whole Body concept which offers a wide assortment of vitamins, supplements and sports medicines, as well as scented candles, lotions and potted herbs.
At it's New York location, Whole Body is independent from the supermarket because of the way the building is structured. A lobby divides the two shopping areas. Whole Foods wouldn't say if might soon see more independent Whole Body shops around the city.
But they did say the company is scouting out new locations in the City for additional supermarkets, but wouldn't divulge any locations currently under review. Nor would Whole Foods disclose the cost of setting up shop in the historic Mercantile Building.
As for competition, Whole Foods could pose a threat to the Organic Market, located just a block away on 26th Street.

Whole Foods is a publicly traded company. Its stock trades on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol WFMI. Analysts quoted by Reuters say the big challenge facing Whole Foods and other natural foods supermarkets is to keep customers coming back for their high end products in the face of a slowing economy.

Judging from the quality and selection we've seen, Whole Foods should be able to meet the challenge.   - Sam Sayegh

Whole Foods


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