Bigeye Sushi


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Bigeye Sushi


Contact Info:

Address: 2 Metrotech Center
City: Brooklyn, NY
Zip: 11201
map: View the Map

Food Info:

Cuisine: Sushi
2nd Cuisine: Japanese


Bigeye Sushi, at Metrotech Center, is using a "sushi robot" to turn out some pretty delicious rolls. While sushi aficionados may scoff at new technology, you can't beat the speed (Our rolls arrived in minutes.) or the freshness of the fish. Rolls come in combinations like Sriracha Salmon, Spicy Tuna, Shrimp Mango Avocado and Shiitake Sundried Tomato. A rice cracker crunch is also available. Other offerings include a selection of bento boxes, sushi sets, and Bigeye Bowls. The Snow Crab Bowl is excellent offered with tiger shrimp and avocado. Diners choose from rice or Asian greens, along with assorted sauces. Bigeye also prides itself on using only sustainable seafood. The shop is already popular with Metrotech students. Non-students may also want to head to campus to give it a try.

- Thomas Rafael


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