Black Seed Bagels


Black Seed Bagels


Contact Info:

Address: 170 Elizabeth St (Spring & Kenmare St)
City: New York, NY
Zip: 10012
map: View the Map
Phone: (212) 730-1950

Food Info:

Cuisine: Bagels
Takeout: Yes
Payment: Accepts Credit Cards


New Yorkers are spoiled.  We have so many good bagel shops that it's hard to single out just one.  But Black Seed, specializing in Montreal-style bagels, is up there with the best of them.  But, it's not just the bagel.  It's what they put inside the bagel that really counts. One popular combination is the smoked salmon and cream cheese topped with crunchy red onion, tomato and capers.  It's salty, creamy and sooo good, right down to the last messy bite.  Other choices include beet lox with horseradish cream cheese, whitefish salad, and smoked trout with boiled egg and Dijon.   You can also get wood-fired eggs with bacon or maple-smoked ham. Black Seed Bagels lives up the hype which may explain the line out the door. One drawback.  When the shop starts to run low on bagels, they may limit how many you can buy.  But, I didn't see too many people complaining.

- Thomas Rafael

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