Bright Food Shop
This restaurant is closed!
Contact Info:
Address: 216 Eighth Ave (bet. 21st & 22nd Sts)
City: New York, NY
Zip: 10011
map: View the Map
Phone: (212) 243-4433
Food Info:
2nd Cuisine:
Cititour Review:
From the folks that brought you Kitchen/Market comes the Bright Food Shop. The restaurant (whose sign dates back to 1938) offers a mix of Mexican food with an Asian bent. The menu can be a bit "complicated," as one patron was quick to point out. For instance, the "Bright Quesadilla," made with tamarind roasted chicken, chickpea puree, smoked Monterey Jack cheese and mustard greens ($8.95), tasted more Middle Eastern than Mexican. The "Chica Morada" spritzer, a traditional Peruvian drink made from purple corn with a dash of seltzer, was also interesting. Definately a place for food adventurists The restaurant itself has the look and feel of an old time diner and serves breakfast (including cornmeal pecan griddlecakes), lunch, merienda (a midday meal) and dinner.
Review By: Benny Prim