Contact Info:
Address: 11 W 32nd St (Broadway & 5th Ave)
City: New York, NY
Zip: 10001
map: View the Map
Phone: (917) 304-0058
Food Info:
Accepts Credit Cards
Cititour Review:
Eating in K-Town can be both exciting and cheap. At the 32nd Street food court, space is tight for seating but most dishes come in at under ten bucks and you basically have your pick from sushi to every type of noodle dish you can imagine.
When I'm in the area I like to stop in at Bunn. It offers these steamed buns that are huge and fluffy. They also come in different colors ranging from green and yellow to white and purple depending on the filling. The purplish are stuffed with a very tasty spicy pork and kimchi mix. On the tamer side are the beef buns infused with glass noodles. It had the type of flavor that you might expect in a Middle Eastern meat pie.
The buns sell for $2.50 apiece and two of them could easily serve as a meal on the go. Veggy options are also available. They also sell cream-filled pastries in the shape of fish called Delimanjoo that are cooked up like little waffles and sold by the box (16 for $11).
Review By: Thomas Rafael