New Ivoire Restaurant

New Ivoire Restaurant

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Restaurant Menu


Lundi (Monday)
Sauce Arachide (Peanut Butter Stew w/ Beef)  $10
Sauce Claire Dindon (Light Tomato Smoked Turkey Soup)  $10
Riz Gras (Brown Rice w/Lamb)  $10

Mardi (Tuesday)
Feuille Arachide (Peanut Butter Spinach Stew w/Beef)  $10
Sauce Claire Tripe (Light Tomato Soup w/ Tripe)  $10
Sauce Claire Patte (Light Tomato Soup w/ Cow Feet)  $10
Riz Gras (Brown Rice w/ Lamb)  $10

Mercredi (Wednesday)
Sauce Feuille Patate (Potato Leaves Stew w/Beef)  $10
Claire Machoiron (Light Tomato Soup w/ Catfish)  $11
Riz Gras (Brown Rice w/ Lamb)  $10

Jeudi (Thursday)
Tete de Mouton (Lamb Head Soup)  $10
Feuille Manioc (Cassava Leaf Stew w/Beef)  $10
Riz Gras (Brown Rice w/ Lamb)
Igname (Boiled Yam w/ Fried Fish or Grilled Lamb)  $12
(w/Grilled Chicken)  $12
(w/Grilled Fish)  $14

Vendredi (Friday)
Claire Pinatde (Light Tomato Soup w/ Fowl)  $10
Arachide Gombo (Peanut Butter & Okra Stew w/ Beef)  $10
Riz Gras (Brown Rice w/Lamb)  $10

Samedi (Saturday)
Sauce Graine (Palm Nut Stew w/Beef & Cow Skin)  $10
Sauce Bouillon (Neck Bone Soup)  $10
Riz Gras (Brown Rice w/ Lamb)  $10
Foutou Banane (Plantain Fufu)  $11
Pepe Soup (Spicy Soup w/ Fish, shrimp, Crab Legs)  $11
(w/Attieke or CousCous)  $12

Dimanche (Sunday)
Sauce Djoumble (Dry Okra Stew w/ Beef & Cow skin)  $10
Tete de Mouton (Lamb Head Soup)  $10
Sauce Aubergine (Eggplant Soup w/ Fish)   $11
Plakali (Yam Fufu)  $11


Garba (Fried Tuna)  $13
Poisson Grille (Fried Fish)  $11
Poisson Braise (Grilled Fish) $13/$14/$15
Poulet Braise (Grilled Chicken)  $12
Pintade Grille (Fried Fowl)  $11
Dibi Mouton (Grilled Lamb)  $11
Gigot (Lamb Shank)  $13
Brochette de Poulet (Chicken Kebob)  $11
*Any of the above comes with one side order

Whole Side Orders  $5.00 each

Salade (Lettuce, Tomato & onions w/ Homemade dressing)
Frites (French Fries w/ a homemade tomato & onion sauce)
Aloco (Fried Sweet Plantains w/a homemade tomato & onion sauce)
Attieke (Cassava Couscous w/onion, tomato & pepper sauce)
CousCous (Moroccan Couscous w/ a homemade onion sauce)
Vermicelle (Vermicelli noodles w/ a homemade onion sauce)
Riz Blanc (White or Parboiled Rice)

Petit DeJeuner (Breakfast)

*Spaguetti (Spaghetti in traditional tomato sauce)
*Petit Poids (Green Peas)
*Lafri (Traditional Seasoned Brown Rice)
Served w/ Rognon (Kidney) or (Viande Grille) Beef  $7
*Sandwich Viande Hachee (Ground Beef Sandwich)  $5
*Buttered Bread with small Coffee or Tea  $2.50
    with large Coffee or Tea  $3.00
    with carnation milk (small)  $3.50
    with carnation milk (large)  $4.00
    with Cappuccino (small)  $3.00
    with Cappuccino ( large)  $3.50
    with Cappuccino Carnation (small)  $4.00
    with Cappuccino Carnation ( large)  $4.50


Degai (homemade yogurt w/ mil grain)  $3.50
Lait Cailer (homemade yogurt )  $3.00

Boisson ( Drinks)

Homemade Ginger Juice  $2.00
Orangina  $2.00
Vimto  $1.00
Coke  $1.00
Diet Coke  $1.00
Sprite  $1.00
Red Bull  $2.50
Mango Carrot  $1.50
Orange Carrot  $1.50
Espresso  $1.50
Cappuccino  $1.50
Cappuccino w/ Carnation Milk  $2.50
Lipton Tea  sm $.50 / lrg $1.00
Ginger Tea sm $1.00 / lrg $2.00
Lemon Zinger  sm $1.00 / lrg $1.50
Peppermint Tea  sm $1.00 / lrg $1.50
Black Coffee  sm $.50 / lrg $1.00
w/milk  sm $.75 / lrg $1.50
Water  $1.00


PLEASE NOTE: All menu items and prices are subject to change.
