Ginny's $5 to $9 Restaurant


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Ginny's $5 to $9 Restaurant


Contact Info:

Address: 7026 3rd Ave
City: Brooklyn, NY
Zip: 11209
map: View the Map
Phone: (718) 333-5029

Food Info:

Cuisine: Eclectic


An adventure is probably the best way to describe a visit to Ginny's $5 to $9. Lots of  plants outside give the space a garden feel. Inside, oversized windows allow in lots of light. The space is set up with tables along the periphery with a lounge area in the center, and an open kitchen in the back. As the name suggests, all of the dishes are in the $5 to $9 range, although some, like steamed lobster, may exceed the limit. Diners open the menu and are greeted with pictures of every dish and the price. You then circle the dishes you wish to order. The menu is rather eclectic with Asian and Middle Eastern influences. Look for things like beef with noodles and bok choy; spicy fish with sautéed vegetables; lamb with yellow rice; BBQ beef and lamb on skewers; and shrimp and eggs. In this day and age when entrees can easily cost $20 or better, Ginny's is an interesting concept. Think of it as the five and dime of food.

- Thomas Rafael


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