Nurnberger Bierhaus
Contact Info:
Address: 817 Castleton Ave (Davis Ave)
City: Staten Island, NY
Zip: 10310
map: View the Map
Phone: (718) 816-7461
Food Info:
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Cititour Review:
With German restaurants in short supply in Manhattan we decided to trek across the Verrazanno bridge in search of schnitzel on Staten Island and a place we had heard real good things about called Nurnberger Bierhaus. It's after 9pm on a Saturday and the place is packed with folks drinking beer from huge, liter-sized glasses. I thought this is my kind of place as waitresses, in traditional German outfits, squeeze through the crowd with plate after plate of fabulous looking food. In a few minutes, we're seated and the fun begins. Weihenstephaner Hefeweiss is the beer of choice here, although you'll also find Warsteiner and Dinkelacker on tap and more than 30 other German beers sold by the bottle, most going for between $4 and $5. The meal begins with rye bread served with two types of mustards, and soft pretzels that are still warm to the touch. Mussels, the plumpest I've seen in the city, arrive in a creamy wine broth ($8.95) that's perfect for sopping up with crispy bread that's provided. Pickled herring ($6.95) is served with apples, onions and German pickles. A spicy beef goulash soup ($4.95) is cooked up gypsy style. The entrees are huge and quite affordable. Perfectly prepared Wienerschnitzel, almost the size of the plate, arrives with a batch of buttery homemade spaetzle ($16.95). The Farmer's Feast ($17.95) lives up to its name. It's includes roast pork, a smoked pork chop, bratwurst and double-smoked bacon with a side of mashed potatoes, sauerkraut and red cabbage. One of our dining partners gave up half way and took the rest home. But that was nothing compared to a humongous pork shank that arrived at a neighboring table. You'll also find several types of sausage on the menu; knackwurst, kielbasa and weisswurts, all served with sauerkraut and mashed. And don't leave without sampling the warm apfelstrudel with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. It's perfect for sharing. In fact, Nurnberger Bierhaus is perfect in every way from its cheerful staff to its wonderful German food, and well worth a trip to Staten Island. Just be sure to arrive with a healthy appetite!
Review By: Sam Sayegh
