Skewr Kabob Kitchen



Skewr Kabob Kitchen


Contact Info:

Address: 34 East 23rd St
City: New York, NY
Zip: 10010
map: View the Map
Phone: (212) 598-5818

Food Info:

Cuisine: Persian
2nd Cuisine: Iranian
Payment: Accepts Credit Cards


Skewr might just be the closest thing you’ll get to a home-cooked meal. Like other fast-casual spots you choose various aspects of your meal assembly-line fashion with one big difference, everything we tried tasted like it was cooked on the spot, from the broccoli prepared al dente to chunks of bright purple beets made simple and fresh. Diners also get a sampling of three different dips, including yogurt with cucumber & mint, hummus, and tomato-eggplant. All three were terrific. A side of rice or quinoa with mixed vegetables is also added, along with a small round of Persian bread. The last thing to arrive is the skewer which is cooked fresh on the grill while  you wait. The steak we tried was perfectly prepared, not overdone and well seasoned. The skewers are also available with ground lamb or beef, chicken and tofu. The bright, clean design make Skewr in Flatiron a very welcoming space!

- Thomas Rafael


