TKK Fried Chicken

Contact Info:
Address: 115 East 23rd St
City: New York, NY
Zip: 10010
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Food Info:
Menu: View the Menu
Fried Chicken
2nd Cuisine:
Tea/Tea Rooms
Accepts Credit Cards
Crowds gathered for the opening of TKK Fried Chicken in Flatiron. TKK is a Taiwanese chicken chain that has been around since the 1970s. This is the chain's first Manhattan restaurant where it is teaming up with Kung Fu Tea. There are three types of chicken offered including Classic, Crispy and Spicy. A number of sauces are also available ranging from BBQ to Mango Habanero. Sides include mashed potatoes with gravy, shishito peppers, cheese curds and biscuits. You will also find on the menu something called Kwa Kwa Bao. It's sticky rice with bits of shiitake mushrooms and pork wrapped in a golden fried chicken skin. Draft beers and assorted bubble teas can also be purchased. See more
- Thomas Rafael

During the plandemic they closed thousands of small shops, stores and businesses but never walmart. The people that sit on the board own the cops. The cops will come 2000 times a year if that's what it takes.
Even a dumb nlggger should know that. He could sell his flowers in front of Habib's gas station and get away with it.
confucius say..
anyone who isn't an idiot sometimes is an idiot all the time.
A ni gger of course.
As they say in France, 'Naturellement' :(
Here is what sums up an educated blakk person...
Why you being arrested him?**
I dinndo nuffin
Sheet! Nomesane?
I think you mean "...nog-turellement..."
Yep, that's the one.
I see stupid ni66ers still embrace the "fight the cops" conflict resolution approach. Still not working for you eh bruh? Dumb creatures.
he's a martyr for the cause.
because anyone ought to be able to sell anything anywhere.
but whitey wants him to pay taxes so that government funds can be used to abort babies.
this will do nothing.
he is doing more than the cops.
now if the cops took him out to the woodshed and pulled down his pants and lashed him to a post and took a giant wood paddle and beat his behind.. then they'd be making some headway.
and.. i'd buy them a box of donuts.
One of my first jobs as a teenager was selling roses (outside of liquor stores).
Cops never bothered us, nobody ever complained.
But he's black so his mere presence anywhere near the entrance door is a nuisance to old fashioned racist white folks. Like the old man that volunteered to be a witness against him at the end.
liquor stores don't sell roses but Walmart does...
go lust after your horses already.
I am Mister Ed.
ng grs disregard all rules
Are you a brown mooslime?
First of all, he'd be just as ugly and stupid in front of a black store, second that IS a black store and third no trespassing and no selling on store property means no trespassing and no selling on store property, you dumb bad rotten skunkape
A nuisance to anyone and everyone, even their own parents
BS ... .the store policy was not to do that. Race card declined - over the limit.
The old whyte man volunteered as a witness because he saw a violent thug punch a cop in the eye. This 13 year old needs straightening out now (probably too late) before he does major theft, mugging and murder in the years to come.
Sell anything anywhere? So I can stand on your front lawn and sell dildos? I'll just set up a fuckin' booth and call it Sam's Slammers and I'll put your family dynasty out of business 🖕🏻
I dare you to say one comment that isn't completely retarded
Edit: Just read the rest of your comment and you lost me at taking kids behind a building and pulling their pants down I'm fuckkng out
work sam will even let you use him as a live charge
spare the rod, spoil the child?
the more the merrier?
one comment that isn't completely retarded.
there. i said it.
Did you, though?
How much would the dildos go for ? asking for a friend.
Well I gotta compete with Sam "Buy one get 12 free and a blowjob" offer, so I may need to outsource my labour
Ezekiel 23:20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
that's not true
It's in the Bible, you saying the Bible isn't true?
what you say is not true.
https:// www.biblegateway. com/passage/?search=ezekiel%2023:20&version=NIV
i am you
Funny how everyone says it's bullshit, then their mouth drops when they see it.
Help me out, I can't remember the passage where Jesus tells his followers to go find him a donkey and if they won't give it to them then take it anyway.
Luke 19:28 ?
Ah...another christian who loves jesus and the bible but has never actually read the unreadable tome.'s the word of god, you should be up on this stuff.
Why do some people think Jesus was black?
Cause he is our father, and he never came back.
Are we talkin about Sold Back & Stuporman?
What’s the difference between a hooker and Jesus?
The look on their face when you’re nailing them.
What a big loud load of bullsht - if you are on my property selling and mouth off, I'll shoot you and take it all, ya street ng gr parasite? no trespassing or selling if told no
anyone ought to be able to sell anything anywhere.
did i say you wouldn't get a share of the profits?
and 'mouth off' ??
i'm not sure what you mean by 'mouth off'.. but i'm thinking it might include opening one's mouth to breathe.
if you get angry at that.. then i won't give as much of a share.
now you be nice.. elmer.. and get back inside.
let me.. the salesman.. do the talkin'.
you're bringin' down the revenue.
i need me some cookies.
tell your wife.
and shine my shoes.
That wasn't even a good back pedal to try and make some kind of recovery which is proves what I was saying big mouth ignorant acting at the start then come around and try to say "I was going to pay you" ng gr
look.. i am going to get you in a half nelson.. and give you a dutch rub.
Yeah everybody knows you an old troll predator f a g
you wish ..
.. but.. your loss ..
keep your eyes peeled.
you may find who you're looking for any day now ..
Female cop should have kept her glasses on and her mouth shut and blamed a doorknob or a dick poking her in the eye and of course she lost her temper and made an ass of herself she can't even handle the 13-year-old kid and these grown men have to babysit her and she's endangering these officers lives. She's lucky she didn't have to go it alone with that kid,he wasn't small either.
Female police is an oxymoron. They're only able to be a police officer if we allow them to be one and comply with their orders. If we don't play along, there's really not much they can do to enforce the states authority over us, even when they whip out their firearm they're usually worthless. If every man in America woke up and said to themselves, women cannot arrest me because I physically won't let them, there would be no more woman officers, just women in a uniform and a badge roleplaying.
No male partner and they are fucked.
But she gave him extremely loud commands George, doesn't that count for anything?
Female cops are a fuhking joke.
One long running comedy of errors after another.
When is enough gonna be enough?
Juvenile Nogs can now punch officers on video and still get released to their parents. This country is Screwed.
This happened in deep blue liberal Pennsylvania. Woke DAs and Judges don't care that they pollute their streets with criminals because putting them in jail is "racist" despite that's where they need to be.
oh man....that was so subtle and on target...thank you.
Often? I will suck your dick you show me one fuckkng comment this retard has left ona post here that wasn't one of the stupidest fuckin things you ever read
you know you can't live without me.
I hope you find
I'm a gambling man but sucking dick isn't on the menu.
Seems like it is for him.
Seems like it is for him.
Yeah that one even surpasses Russian Roulette for criteria for participation. I guess I just have to sit this round out.
Dude runs his mouth much plenty and sets the bar low,way low but at a crooked fucking level,odd angles I ain't finna get over.
He sure gets invested but worksam can get invested too and leech the life outta you as we know.
Hard pass.
did i leech the life out a' ye?
The horseleach hath two daughters, crying , Give, give.
sure they have.
If they turned their body cams on at all 1486 calls, and sent you the video, would you believe it then?
Oh that's right you don't believe in reality but you love your invisible sky daddy.
Wouldn't surprise me if that dude pulled a Ron Jeremy and sat there sucking his own dick. I don't even know the dude.
This place is getting weird man.
critical mass .. ..
you're welcome
It's my own personal asylum...have a seat...aperitif?
so for all the same amount of trouble, they could have shot it and been one less
Dont fk around at Wal-mart.. their lobbyists basically create the law
5 seconds in...paused....let's see.......oh, there's a first time for everything! :(
The officers struggled a LOT, to get that punk under control, and the punk STILL REFUSED TO COOPERATE. The police used the APPROPRIATE AMOUNT OF FORCE.
The male officer only struggled because he didn't want to hurt him. Trying to subdue someone without hurting them is very difficult. The female officer was useless, per usual.
Lived in Summerville, which is next to N. Charleston in S.C.. Very nice people and the cops very polite. Had to go to court to show proof of insurance because I forgot to put it in my truck. The Judge was funny and cracked jokes at everyone. Looks like things have changed since 2000. I was there for about a year.
you quoted the article about how many times they have had to respond?
sorry.. i guess i'm blind.
my bad.
i have some shades coming in the mail.
maybe they'll help.
now you and Lucky kiss and make up.
all a' you that er 'gainst dem nîggërs should beware.. that you don't turn inta fried chicken.
"The minor is a bright and motivated young person who was simply trying to pursue a passion and learn valuable business skills"
Full on failure, he doesn't have what it takes. He obviously has an impulse control problem. The neck push was the results of HIS action, actions have consequences, and at 13 he should have learned that by now and if he doesn't learn it this time he'll be dead by 25 or younger.
The absolutely worse thing they could do is have him win the resisting lottery.
An Overly grown gorilla pump it full of lead before it grows bigger.
Take green shirt to big boy jail, so he can learn about what's coming.
Well, who'd a thunk? An africaninamerica!!!
Hes selling flowers.....go fight some actual crime....
I agree with you. Punching the cop was an idiotic move though.
For sure....but people should have a right to resist unlawful arrests....the problem with the pigs is that they dont have a healthy fear of the citizenry....and the fact that there is a racial double standard...
It wasn't an unlawful arrest. Walmart is private property and he had no permit to sell anything. He could have just moved along but he had to nig out. A white person would have simply moved along. This f'ing idiot will rack up multiple felonies before he gets waxed in the streets like he should.
Now u know thats a damn lie...and private property or not, this is just a typical case of honls honking for no reason....if crackas just walked away, yall wouldnt lead in getting killed by story tho....
you are stupid
That is a crime douche bag
Yeah...when ur black, everything is criminalized...u crackas are cowards
What about the black kid that shot this sister because he didn't get her what he wanted for Christmas? Or what about the black guy who killed his wife and tried to kill his children, but the boy survived and the daughter did not? What about the black guy in Chicago that was let out of jail after trying to kill his GF? Only to finish the job when he got out of jail. Oh, that's right, when black people do bad stuff to each other, it's totally fine. It's only bad when white people do it, got it.
No one ever said its totally fine...u crackas just need something to look down on....u know damn well little cauclings wipe out their own families regularly...dont make me start posting clips of crackas doing the perp walk because they trashed their whole family....
On the regular? lol definitely not. It happens for sure, no one is denying, but do you know why it's worse when black people do it? They kill just as much as white folks, but they are only 14% of the population. 250 million white folks and 44 million black folks, yet the black folks are killing the same amount as white folks. And what's worse is 90% of their victims are other black folks. The same thing goes with crime that leads to arrest. Black are committing the same amount of crime as white folks, yet they are a much smaller fraction of the population. They are proving that stereotypes are true, and when given the opportunity to do otherwise, they refuse and rather get arrested.
Thats not true....ur right wing sheep herders just repeat the same lie time after time because they know ur too lazy, dumb, and racist to look up the info for urselves.... u can literally go to the crime stats and it breaks down the percentages right at the top...and if ur too stupid to read, do the math urself....
Oh, were you aware that the FBI changed the way they report the crime statistics when Joe Biden took over? You must not have. EVERY President since the FBI was created had local law enforcement report their crime statistics to the FBI. Since Joe Biden, they now made it optional. The crime statistics you are referencing don't include data from some of the largest police forces in the country such as the NYPD, the LAPD, Atlanta, Chicago, and New Jersey. Additionally, places like New York encourage citizens to not even bother reporting the crime because it will be, and I quote an NYPD officer, "too much of a headache." You call me stupid, yet you're blindly referencing a government THAT YOU BELIEVE IS ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL BLACK PEOPLE. Make it make sense.
Citizens dont report crime stats u fuckin dork....try again🤣🤣🤣
The Police stations report crime stats, read the sentence again you dork. But the police is actually telling citizens not to report crimes to the police. You remember when that black guy was going around punching white women in NYC? Many of the victims posted videos telling how the police basically told them not to file a police report because it would be too much work and a hassle. That's the help your dumb narrative in thinking crime is down, when crime is definitely NOT down, it's just being vastly under-reported since the federal government no longer made it mandatory for police stations to report their crime statistics. WAKE UP!
That guy was a jamaican...he wasnt one of us u goofy cracka...
GorillaYutes facing hatred and racism...............CMFEO!!!!!!!
He told her once.
You want to play adult games and punch a cop , then reap the whirlwind.
Try reading dipshit, and try stop being a puppet that believes everything they hear...
The facts are straightforward: Officer Ghi acted as the initial aggressor in this situation. Contrary to claims, there is no clear evidence showing the minor punching Officer Kirkland in the face.
None of it happened the way the officers lied and said it happened, dumbass
Please. It was a spoon billed N1666er demon monster. Benefit of the doubt denied.
Both parties are equally wrong. But, shame on you for putting your trust, faith, and reliability within the State. You're the reason why they have so much power and are willfully breaking laws in front of the whole world to see, without consequences, action, prison time, death, or fear of God. Grant I mind you that Nℹ️GGERS are a large part of our world's problems. You're far more dangerous to our REPUBLIC though. Because you willfully put it in the hands of criminals claiming to be law and order.
LOL you discerned I like the states power when a evil groid is cured by the blue flu? Believe what you like, buddy. Waxing these orcs is the only time they employ power righteously. Every lawless, savage feral parasite they end outside the court and prison system is the exact proper execution of the social compact due. If they levied this abuse willy nilly on normal folks, which does happen, it is unjust. There is a world of difference between those who cannot, do not will, not adjust their actions for the polite function of society, and those doing their best to live, pay their share and pull their weight in life.
I find it ironic that you accuse the guy of not reading while you yourself did 0 reading. The officer was not the aggressor first, the boy did not have a license to sell outside of Walmart, nor did he have permission from the store to be out there. When he refused to ID himself, he became overly aggressive and started cursing saying "fuk you white btch." And even if he hadn't read the description, you can see the video with your own eyes and clearly see who the aggressor is. When the police showed up, all the boy had to do was give them his ID, and he doesn't have one, all he had to say was "I don't have one." Instead, he does was most black people do in this situation and started mouthing off to two people with weapons, then cried wondered why things turned out badly for him.
A license to sell nature. You're a fucking moronic dumbass
Lol; I dislike the filth, but on this occasion they were right. Not that I agree with him being disuaded from working, but, he needed to figure sheet out a little better BEFOREHAND.
Law Enforcement isn't supposed to be trusted today, period... They're all narcissists that want to commit sadistic acts upon the public, as they're allowed to get away with MURDER
LOL Old man at the end say's " I'm a witness to all of it " ! YEAH ! The Dummy has no clue you cannot sell stuff on a storefront entrance . DUH . They really have schit for brains . Playing stupid is just to hard for them even though they have a 80 IQ .
He found out.
I like the Vagi-cop thing.
The good old Barbie cop. Can't even handle a 15 year old boy. I feel so much safer..
13 years old my ass.. he's about 26 with a criminal record posing as a 13 year old
Should've shot the little nlgger bastards!
Too bad they didn't shoot the little nlgger bastyrds and save taxpayers some $$ on future crime!
kids trying,,,
granny raised em not a man in his life to show em the way other than their feral instincts.
female cops, smfh ... when will they learn
Tall and violent like Trayone Fartin.
Spread the word ! not her vag though.
I'd definitely put 10 grand down and bet he's dead before he hits 20
Why would I take a bet I know I'd lose?
Or what?
don't upset white people, they will go say the N word to people on their video games
At what point do we, as a society, get fed up with this problem subspecies and start exterminating them? The amount of rape, murder and violent crime committed against Whites by these tootsoons over many decades far outweighs what was done to them during the days of American slavery. It's time to make them pay.
Shouldve shot the fuckface jigger. That punk ass bitch will be on the feed bill before we know it
Protected species status needs to be revoked.
Guess his momma forgot to tell him who the ohvey devil expects a cut from...
Revelations 13:16-17
16-And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17- so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name.
""The minor is a bright and motivated young person who was simply trying to pursue a passion and learn valuable business skills. It is unacceptable that he was targeted and arrested for his entrepreneurial efforts."
Lots to unpack..
1 to the DOME.
The parents say he is such a good boy that never does anything wrong...eye roll!