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Contact Info:
Address: 129 W 44th St
City: New York, NY
Zip: 10036
map: View the Map
Phone: 212-819-0554
Food Info:
Cititour Review:
These days Times Square is known for trendy restaurants that cater to the Broadway crowd. Think Blue Fin, Bond 45 and District. Then there are hideaways that we like to keep to ourselves, like Tintol. And, of course, there are some tourist traps. But if you're looking for a no frills, won't-bust-the-budget, wholesome meal, then we recommend Yum. This non-descript restaurant with its bright neon sign, is a favorite for the lunch crowd and also good for an early dinner. The restaurant is modest by most standards, but the women cooking in the open air kitchen, dish out some top notch meals. Almost everything on the menu is worth trying. Start with some crispy shrimp rolls or chicken sate with a peanut dipping sauce. Shrimp Pad Thai is big enough for a meal and worth every bite. Two of my favorites are duck dishes; a crispy duck salad with a pungent lime dressing (which I could eat every day) and the roast duck in a red curry sauce that is not for the faint of heart. Basil leaves and red chili peppers awaken the senses. Not every dish hits it out of the park. Fried crab rolls made with crab meat and cuttle fish taste like a fishy rendition of Spam. But there are more hits than misses. And with entrees priced below ten bucks in this part of town, it's also quite a steal!
Review By: Thomas Rafael
