NYC News

Review: A Beautiful Noise, The Neil Diamond Musical
December 4, 2022, 8:35.56 pm ET


Photos: Julieta Cervantes

By Brian Scott Lipton

Prepare to hear noise – and make noise – at “A Beautiful Noise,” the often exuberant if tonally confused biomusical about the legendary singer-songwriter Neil Diamond, now settling in for what I expect to be a long run at the Broadhurst Theater.

Review: A Beautiful Noise, The Neil Diamond Musical

Admittedly, most of the “noise” comes from the stage as over two dozen of Diamond’s hits are superbly performed by a cast led by the absolutely extraordinary Will Swenson, perfectly channeling Diamond’s “gravel wrapped in velvet” voice and his “Jewish Elvis” swagger, bedecked in Emilio Sosa’s sequin-studded suits. It’s a performance sure to be remembered at Tony Awards time. Continue Reading...
